chapter three

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"Mr. and Mrs. y/l/n?" someone asks.

All three of us jump up, eager for any word on how y/n is doing.

"Is she okay?" y/n's dad asks.

"She's out of surgery and all ready for you to visit," the doctor says. She leads us to the room, but stops before opening the door. "Before you go in there are some things you have to know. The other car hit the left side of y/n's car, right on the drivers side. She has a head injury and some broken bones, mostly on the left side of her body. Because of the injury to her head she hasn't woken up. We're almost positive she will, but there is always the possibility that she won't."

We walk in, and the room smells exactly how you would expect a hospital to smell, like disinfectants.

She's lying on the bed and the first thing I notice is how beautiful she looks. She's attached to a few different machines and one of those IV bags filled with some sort of fluid. Her skin is pale and bruised, and her head is wrapped in gauze, but I've never been happier to see her.

"I never thought something like this would happen to my daughter," y/n's dad says. "Nothing is supposed to happen to her. I'm supposed to pro- protect her..."

Y/n's dad starts to cry and then sob. Her mom is crying too, but not as hard.

Mr. Y/l/n collapses onto the floor, his loud sobs violently shaking his body.

"Honey, she'll be alright. I'm sure of it," y/n's mom says. She manages to get him to stand up, but he won't stop crying. "I really don't want to leave, but I have to bring him home. Are you going to stay?"

"Yeah. I don't want her to wake up alone."

"Good. I can't imagine my baby waking up surrounded by all of this... Thank you. We'll be back soon," she says before leading her husband out of the room, leaving me alone with y/n.

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