chapter five

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Part of me wishes we had some really amazing, elaborate first date story just so we could tell it to other people or our kids one day or something, but I wouldn't trade that night for anything.

When I asked y/n out, I wasn't really "asking her out", I only asked if she wanted to meet at the library and do some schoolwork. We hadn't ever talked outside of class, so I didn't think I should ask her out on a "date date."

We met at the library and at first we actually tried to get some work done for class, but after awhile we got bored and decided to get something to eat.

She told me there was a diner that was open all night. It was so close to campus that we could walk.

When I first saw Mickeys Diner, I didn't think I would like it. It looked run-down and plain, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Y/n ordered waffles and I ordered pancakes. Almost immediately after we ordered the waitress had served them. They were the best pancakes I've ever had.

After we finished eating, we started talking about books and movies and we didn't stop. Suddenly it was past midnight and we had class the next morning.

We decided to walk back to the dorms, but ended up taking the scenic route. We walked around the entire campus. It was so peaceful when everyone else was asleep.

I walked her back to her dorm and by the time I got back to mine it was nearly two.

We didn't kiss or hug or even hold hands, but that was the night I knew that I wanted to be with her.

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