chapter four

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I sit down in a chair next to the bed and take y/n's hand in mine.

Oh god, y/n... I love her so much. Why would something like this happen to her? She's such a great person, bad things shouldn't happen to people as amazing as y/n.

I remember the day I first saw her. It was the second semester of our sophomore year of college.

When I walked into class she was sitting in the second row digging through her bag for something. She was beautiful, but not in your face beautiful. Her beauty was softer, more effortless.

I was so drawn to her, I had to sit near her. There was a seat next to her and I set my stuff down. I didn't say anything, I had a good feeling she was a kind person, but you never know for sure. I wanted to get to know more about her before I talked to her.

I didn't speak to her for the first week of class, but I did learn a lot about her.

She was smart, but shy. She never raised her hand in class, but when the professor called on her she always knew the answer. Our professor always called on her because she never looked like she was paying attention, she was always doodling in the margins of her notes. Still every time she got called on, y/n knew the answer.

The week after that I talked to her for the first time. It was just a simple hello, but you have to start somewhere. For a few weeks it was just small talk, but then after two months our professor would have to try and get us to stop talking. I asked her out a week later and we went out on our first date.

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