chapter eight

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As soon as I walk into the apartment y/n and I share I flop onto our bed and burrow under the covers. I don't feel like doing anything except going to sleep. I try and try and try, but something's missing.

I look over at y/ns side of the bed, half expecting to see her curled up next to me, but it's empty. Maybe sleep isn't such a good idea.

I don't feel like eating, but I know I haven't eaten all day. Y/n usually cooks, so I don't have many options. All we have is some ramen and cereal. The ramen is out of date so I guess I'm stuck with cereal for dinner.

Frosted Cheerios, y/ns cereal. I guess I'm skipping dinner.

What else is there to do? I could watch Netflix. Y/n and I have been watching a show together...

Okay, no Netflix. No cereal. I can't go in the bedroom. What else? Everything in this apartment is y/ns.

Maybe I can stay over at Thomas and Minhos place.

I drive over and knock on the door. Minho answers. "What happened? We've been texting you."

They had?


"We both tried to text you, but you didn't answer. What's going on?"

They texted me? I check my phone. Ten missed messages. "Oh, sorry."

"Newt! What happened to y/n?"

"She got in a car crash. She's in a coma."

"Oh, god... Okay, come in."

"Thanks. Everything in our apartment was hers... and I couldn't..."

"You can stay here tonight."

"What about Tommy?"

"Are you serious? Thomas will be fine. He's probably staying at Teresa's anyways."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks."

"Do you want to talk about it or something?"

"No. The ironic thing is y/n is the only one who could talk to me, but she's..."

"Okay, something else! How about some Mario kart?"


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