She was in her bra and knickers when I walked in, dancing around the kitchen with a coffee mug in her hands as she stirred the home made vegetable soup.

“Hey sexy lady” she grinned “You’re back early”

I sat my bag on the white granite counter top and sat down on the stool, leaning on my elbows as I plonked my face in my hands “He was fucking the whore when I walked in his room” I mumbled.

She slapped me and my hands shot out from my face making me head butt the table “Ouch” I groaned, laughing slightly.

“Lily, serious he was cheating on you” She growled “With her of all people?”

“I know, what is so wrong with me that guys cheat?” I turned my head to the side giving her a pout.

Her serious face suddenly broke into a wide grin “Let's go out”

I thought about it, I guess since it was a Friday and I didn't have to work we could go get slaughtered drunk and dance the night away to forget the disturbing scene that played in my mind not even one hour ago.

I gave her a smile back “Ok, Let's go out”

“Yes” she grinned jumping up and down “Go get ready and we'll leave in an hour or so.”

I dragged my feet to the bedroom I lived in, I had been living with Emma for around two years, she needed a roommate and I needed a place to stay since my parents died, I didn't want to live in that house any more.

Being a beauty therapist I had tons of make-up, I always made it a goal to look my best each day, sure on weekends I had lazy days where I didn't bother dressing up and stayed in slouch clothing, doing nothing but watching TV, eating take out and drinking cheap wine.

Yes, I loved those days.

I brushed my long blonde hair, good thing about my hair was it was straight with slight curls, beach hair Emma would call it, so I could do basically not do anything to it and it would look like I spent ages on it. I stripped off and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a dark blue strapless top and a pair of light pink flats, I was never good in walking in high heels, plus I wasn't that short, I was tall.

I walked into the bathroom where Emma was trying to do a Smokey eye, yes she was horrible at doing make up.

“Would you like some help?” I offered, she turned giving me a big grin, Of course she wouldn't say no, and not when I do this for a living.

An hour later and we were now standing in the middle of a crowded bar, well I was standing as Emma had taken off somewhere, supposedly the toilets but I knew her well enough to know she had found a hot guy to flirt her ass off with. I gave up looking and as I turned around I knocked into a body, a very hard back may I add.

“What the fuck?” The deep voice cussed sounding very pissed off.

“I'm so sorry” I looked up as the man turned around, his stern face looking at me annoyed, I just wanted to shrivel up and hide away in a hole.

Then I noticed the wet floor in front of me, great of course I spilled his drink “Umm let me get you another one” I offered hoping he would say 'no it's cool, thanks anyway'. Just my luck when his death glare turned in a sexy smirk as he gazed over me curiously.

“Fair enough, seem fair” He spoke and I nodded, I turned to walk to the bar which was still as packed as the last time I was there.

“I'll buy you a drink, what will it be?” he spoke making me jump a little, I didn't expect him to be so close to me that I could feel his hot breath against the base of my neck, I shivered slightly and snapped out of it.

Tilted my head to the side thinking then grinned at him “Shot of vodka thanks.”

As we stood waiting I looked over at him, he was wearing jeans that clung in all the right spots and a white fitted shirt, he was leaning against the bench staring at me with his piercing blue eyes, I couldn't take my eyes off them, they just reminded me of home for some odd reason, his blonde hair that just happened to be messy but yet perfectly done was calling out for me to run my fingers through it, to feel the softness of the hair under my skin.

Of course he had to be ridiculously attractive to top it all off.

“Well I should probably should go and try to find my friend” I mumbled taking the vodka shot a bit too quickly, it burned like fuck going down and not a good thing when I couldn't remember how many I had done throughout the night, I was more than wasted.

I stumbled back a bit, closing my eyes and then opening them to see the gorgeous blonde in front of me with his hands firm around my waist “You should be more careful, you don't want to bump into everyone in here” he frowned but a hidden amusement was dancing in his eyes.

I could feel his warm breath against my face, my breathing quickly started getting heavier by the second, “You shouldn't be so cute” I grinned, Ok, now the alcohol was definitely talking.

I had no idea what came over me, I normally wasn't this forward but there was something about the way he touched me that was driving me crazy and wild, then before I knew what I was doing I moved my hands from his shirt and wrapped them around his neck and slammed my mouth against his.

Shit, it isn't good when their lips don't move, well mine weren't moving either so I guess this was an extra-long peck, I started pulling away but he had other ideas and pulled me closer pushing his body against mine, kissing me as if this was his last kiss ever, he wasted no time in shoving his tongue down my throat as soon as I parted my lips, hell he was a good kisser and we were soon making out against the bar, moving and pushing me into something hard, I think it was a hall or something, I didn't care. I was desperately trying to eat his face.

After what felt like hours he finally pulled back but kept his face close to mine “Do you want to get out of here, come back to mine?”

I nodded unable to form words as I had just agreed to have my first one night stand with a total stranger.

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