Chapter Thirteen.

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I dare you to challenge me, I'm begging for mercy please -Matthew "Mdot" Finley, Fire (Camp Rock 2)

-Genai's facial expression in the MM


Genai texted me that she was at Marcel's place to drop Carter off. Carter was excited to see him again, and I'm surprised he remembers Marcel, because he was 1 when Marcel left.

Turning on the TV, I had no idea on what to watch. My phone started ringing and I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey Cordyn, did you go to work this week?" My co-worker, Rachel, called

"Nah, why?"

"Oh, I was just asking, because I really do need help on working in the back" She said

She's lesbian and has a girlfriend, don't worry you guys.

"Um, I'll be back tomorrow, I know that for sure. You gon' be there right?"

"Yeah, of course- Xena, okay! Damn, it's just a brussel sprout! Eat it!" She exclaimed,

"No! Fuck you!"

"Girl, I'mma- I'll see you tomorrow, Cordyn" She groaned. I chuckled

"Alright, bye, Lil Midget"

I hung up the phone, going into the kitchen. I took out some cake mix and some icing- I'm craving for some cupcakes and Chick-Fil-A at the moment. Preheating the oven to 400 degrees, I started to bake. Hearing the door open, Genai was screaming.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Why didn't you tell me Powerpuff Girls was on?!"

"You won't here, so I mean..." I shrugged, whisking up the batter

"Hmph, what are you cooking?" She questioned, walking in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around my body

"Some cupcakes. We can go to Chick-Fil-A soon for dinner when we pick Carter up"

"I was just about to tell you that- Carter's gonna be coming back tomorrow"

"Oh, he stayin there?"


"Hmm, okay" I grinned, kissing her temple "You look uncomfortable"

"These shoes" She looked down at her sandals "They hurting my feet"

"You prolly been walking around a lot, maybe that's why" I said, she nodded "Go change"

"But I wanna shower" She frowned

"Genai, you can do what you want, baby" I sighed

"Okay, I know that" She snapped

I chuckled, wondering who the fuck she was getting an attitude with. She slapped the back of my head, and I put the bowl down. I grabbed her arm, pulling her to me.

"Who ya hittin', girl?" I seethed "Don't start, Nai. Just go 'head and take a shower"

I smacked her ass, and she wandered off.


I looked at the cupcake in my hand, wondering if I should do this. I always wanted to try this, so I'mma go ahead and do it.

Kissing her clit, I smeared the cupcake on her area, leaving most of the icing on her. She sat up, and I laid her back down. My lips pressed against her pussy, my tongue licking the sweet residue that was inside and on the out, brushing across her sensitive nub slowly. I flicked it back and forth, causing her to cum.

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