Ch. 8: Showers and Drinking

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A/N: Thanks for all your feedback guys! I felt myself getting bored while writing it for a little while, but I'll keep going don't worry, and I kinda got back into it while writing this chapter! OH! and the bridesmaids dress is on the side:) It's super cute!

The next morning I awoke to find Louis twirling some of my hair between his fingers.

“Morning,” he said.

“Good morning,” I smiled. His breathing was even and he stared off into the distance, something obviously on his mind. I sat up a bit and looked at him.

“Everything okay?” I asked. He forced a smile and nodded.

          “You sure?” I checked.


I didn’t believe him for a second, but I dropped it, and got of bed to go shower. After I got in and let the water fall on me, I heard Lou come in and start brushing his teeth.

“So where do you want to go for the honeymoon?” I asked.

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Well…is there anywhere you’ve always wanted to go?” I inquired.

“I dunno.”

“How about Spain?”


“Or Italy?”


“What about Afghanistan?”

“Sounds great.”

I knew he wasn’t really listening and his short and flat answers were starting to bother me. I stuck my head out of the curtain and said, “Louis what is wrong?”

          He spit and rinsed and looked back at me, “Nothing, I’m fine.”

I contemplated. There was just something about his mood that made me feel like maybe I shouldn’t let him just get over it. I felt like maybe it was something important. But if he wasn’t going to tell me outright, I had to coax it out of him.

“Would you like to get in here?” I asked. He thought for a moment and then took his boxers off and joined me. I got the bottle of body wash and squeezed a good amount of the light green liquid in my hands.

“Louis…?” I said softly, slowing starting to lather him with the soap. I started off at his shoulders, massaging them down to his wrists. Light bubbles formed and popped and it took him a second to reply with a “Hmm?” 

“Please tell me what’s bothering you. I want to help.”

I started moving my hands over his chest, rubbing the soap in, leaving watery trails where my fingers once were. I was still going slowly and softly, trying to get him to relax enough to tell me.

“It’s nothing, really…” he murmured. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead on my shoulder as I brought him closer so I could get some soap on his back. He sloppily kissed my bare wet shoulder, unconsciously letting me know I was getting to him.

“It’s important to me…” I said softly.

He sighed a relaxed sigh, and I pulled apart from him to take one of his hands in mine, massaging his palm and treating each finger with the same amount of care.

“Your dad keeps trying to pay me off to call the wedding off…or to work for him so I have a ‘respectable job to support you,’” Louis grumbled, not wanting to talk about it, but relaxed enough to let it out.

Wedding Chaos (Louis Tomlinson)(FINISHED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora