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"Michael, wake up. It's time for school." I heard. I pretended I was still sleeping, adding in slight snores to make it seem more effective.
"Michael, honey. C'mon, wake up." it was Mum.
"Yeah, Michael. C'mon." it wasn't her this time.
It was them.
I pretended like I didn't hear them as I stepped out of bed, flashing a smile at mum.
"Good boy," she smiled. She left after that, leaving by myself. But not completely.
"What will you wear?" the slimy voices asked. They were in front of me, greeting me with grinning smiles. They began touching me, rubbing my hair between their grimy fingers.
"I don't know," I whispered. I hated this. I want it to go away, I want it to go away. Please.
"We'll help you pick an outfit out!" Olivia said excitedly. They began going through the clothes in my dresser. The soot and dust rubbing off on the black of my shirts. I was pretty sure the marks would never go away no matter how much I washed them.
"Please go away. I just want to go to school," I said. I couldn't look up at them. The idea of people being afraid of the boogeyman or vampires. Imagine having technical murdera inside your head, never to leave.
"I thought you liked us," one sobbed, throwing their head in their hands as they swayed across my room. He smelled like rotting fish.
I started to cry then. "I don't. I don't like you. I don't like you at all! I want you to go away! Please leave me alone," I begged, sitting down on the floor in a fetal position.
But they only came closer. "Are you afraid?" one laughed. Their fingers dragged across my face, catching on my black eyebrow piercing. "Are you crying because you're afraid?"
I only wrapped my face tighter into my hands. Their grip on my clothes was getting tighter, their sneers louder. I was too scared to tell anyone, in fear they would tell me I was crazy.
"They're not real," the voices whisper. "Nothing is real." it was a male this time, and he told me before his name was Gereon. His voice was brittle, his touch was calloused as he caresses my skin.
I didn't listen as they told that Addie wasn't real, that Luke, Calum and Ashton weren't real. Of course they real. They were real, weren't they?
Don't believe them, I told myself. The only thing that isn't real, is them.
"Hurry, Michael. You wouldn't want to be late." one chuckled. They seemed farther away now, like they were slowly fading out. I relaxed into myself, feeling relieved that I was going to be left alone.
Mum drove me to school. I wasn't late. I almost was, though.
During classes, I couldn't focus, both trying to separate myself from the thoughts of my disambiguation and Addie.
I hadn't seen her in days, and I tried to tell myself I didn't care. Dad said it only took 21 days to break a bad habit. So far, I was only at Day 4.
"I'm bored," one of the disembodied voices whispered. It was flat, no emotion in the way he was speaking. I clenched my hands around the rims of my desk as I prepared for him to continue.
"There's a bug on his head," Olivia whispered, suddenly sitting in front of me as she pointed to Mr.Howard. Indeed, there was. A big black spider, with slimy feelers and dark eyes.
"There's a spider on your head!" I suddenly screamed at Mr. Howard. He immediately panicked, swiping at his head in fear, when Luke from beside me said quietly, "Mikey, no there isn't. Are you okay?"
I looked at him. The spider was there. I could see it, and Olivia and Gereon could. It was there.
"There is! I swear! It's black, a-and it has eight legs! It's crawling!" I screamed. I was aware I was making a fool of myself in front of the whole class but I couldn't stop.
"It's gone," Olivia whispered. Luke looked at me with a half scared and half curious expression.
"Honey, are you alright? Did you not take your mess today?" he asked. I stared at him. Oh shit.
"No," I whispered. "I didn't." I hadn't taken them today, or yesterday.
"Take your medications and make us go away? Do it and we'll kill you." Gereon sneered, and then he smirked. "Or the girl."
My eyes widened. "No, please! Leave her alone, she hasn't done anything." I started to hyperventilate in fear. "I l-love her." My breath was coming in wheezes as I saw Addie walk past the open door's classroom. She was in the hall. They got up and starting following her, but not before turning around and smiling at me.
"Stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I squeezed my eyes shut, and kept my fists balled up as I counted to twenty. Dr. Pepper said this would help me calm myself during disambiguation.
When I opened my eyes, the whole class stared back at me.
"Michael," Mr. Howard asked, walking over to place a hand on my shoulder. "I think you should go home."
I looked at him. "But I'm not safe there."
Luke coughed. "I'll go with you."

Lyric you updated yay!
sorry I didn't update yesterday, I saw one direction on the 20th and I have super bad PCD
love you

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