Chapter 6

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My parents hadn't even noticed I left, and I wasn't sure if I should be sad or happy. How could you not notice your child was missing when you went to go wake him up for school? But at the same time, i felt relieved, I wasn't grounded.

I walked downstairs, taking a moment to pull a piece of lint off my RVCA sweater, and smooth out my jeans and hair before taking the final steps downstairs where mum had already made breakfast.

"Hi, Mikey," mum smiles adoringly, tilting her head as she musses my hair, making me grimace.

"Mummy, stop it," I groan as I smack her hand away.

"Well, sit down, I made breakfast. Would you like a ride to school?" she asks as she sits down beside me, watching as I nibble on my bacon.

I nod, dipping my bread into my eggs. Mum wipes her hands on her plaid pajama pants as she gets up to get dressed and take the towel off the head. I continue my breakfast as I watch her run up the stairs and sing along to a popular song as she went up.

Dusting my hands off on my jeans I look up at dad, who was folding up his newspaper as he stared at me with a mild grin on his face.

"What?" I ask, laughing nervously.

"I know where you were last night, and it wasn't in bed-" he cuts himself off, "Well you were, just not your bed." Dad chuckles, shaking his head as he gives me a curious glance.

"How did you find out?" I asked, looking down and twiddling my bacon.

"Oh, you know, the loud slam of the door, missing shoes, misisng coat, missing little boy in his little bed, maybe," he smiles.

"Are you mad?" I whisper, scared that I'd be grounded. Mom said if I got grounded again, no phone for Christmas. And God gamn, I really wanted that phone.

"Not really, it's nice to see you with girls your own age, and not those soccer-obsessed freaks you hang out with, they're making you believe that Chelsea is a better team than Man. United! How unbelievable!" Dad says, shaking his head.

"But it kind of is," I admit, scratching my neck.

"Now that's the kind of stuff that'll get you grounded," dad laughs this time. He doesn't say more.

I sit in silence, eating the remnents of my breakfast, as mom torpedos down the stairs, wearing a face full of makeup and her best dress.

I couldn't hold in my laughter, milk starting to squirt from my nose.

"What?" mum asks, her brows furrowed and her lips turning down into a frown.

"Whya re you dressed liek that to take me to school?" I chuckle, wiping up the spilled milk on the kitchen table with my sweater sleeve.

Mum smiles, wiping her small hands on the skirt of her dress, "I wanted to make a good impression," she replies coyly.

"On who?" dad and I both demand. She laughs a cute, tinkly laugh.

"On Michael's girlfriend," she giggles, reaching forward to pinch my cheeks.

"Mummy, stop!" I yell, pulling away and rubbing my face. Dad nods as he looks at me with a smile.

"He does like her quite a bit," he says, confirming. Mum lets out a squeal.

"What's her name? Where is she from? Is she from a good home? Is she nice to you?" she immediatley asks. I turn my head to roll my eyes so she doesn't see.

"Yes, fine, okay, Mum. Her name is Addie, and she's from Europe, I think. O rmaybe that was Jewel-" I scratch my neck, not really remembering. "I'm not really sure. Anyway, I think her parents are nice, and she has a huge house. And she's so cute. Aw," I blush.

"When will you see her again?" Dad asks, sipping is coffee, totally oblivious to the fact we went to school together.

I hear a car honk and I look outside to see that familiar black Durango outside with Addie sitting in the front seat, waving at me.

"Now," I breathe; running up to the main hall to grab my coat without a single goodbye.






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