Chapter 13

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The music was filled with over-pumped bass-lines and lyrics about white girls twerking.

I watched as couples grinded and swayed into each others bodies in Calum's living room, occasionally giving or receiving a neck kiss or hickey.

My eyes searched the crowd for Luke's lanky frame, expecting to find him trying to talk to Ashton, and pouting when Ashton blew him off.

When I couldn't find him, I let out a deep sigh at the feeling of being alone, and headed over to Calum's kitchen searching for his alcohol.

An exhale left me with the smell of sweat and cheap liquor, making me scrunch my nose up as I grabbed for a vodka and Red Bull.

Turning around again, I continued my search for Luke.

After finding him, I grab my drink and walk past the sea of gyrating bodies.

"Hey," I said, nudging him with my elbow as I stood beside him.

"Want some?" he asked, nodding to his 60 of Grey Goose. I shook my head and watched Ashton move on to another girl, grabbing her hips and swinging them against his own to the beat of the music.

I watched Luke drink from the bottle like it was water and took a sip from my own.

"The music here isn't very good," Luke observed, flicking the booming speaker beside him. The only reason I could hear him was because we were so, so very close. Close enough that I could see the cracks in his lips and the 5:00 o'clock shadow on his chin and cheeks.

I watched intently as he turned his face so that he was staring directly at me. A loud swallow left my mouth as he leaned in closer, licking his lips as I found myself staring at him.

"I've haven't kissed a boy since Cal..." he whispered, setting his bottle of alcohol down on the table beside him. There wasn't in a hint of embarrassment in his usually awkward tone of voice.

"And I haven't kissed anyone since Addie," I admitted, not making any sort of move to back away from his intense stare. A small gasp escaped me as Luke wrapped his arms around me, tilting his head so that our noses didn't clonk, and kissed me. My eyes widen in surprise but I shut them and move my mouth against his, wrapping one hand at the base of his neck, tugging him forward, and the other, locked in his blonde hair.

I'm kissing Lucas Robert Hemmings, my best friend. Shit.

I moaned slightly as he lightly bit my lip, his hands grabbing my hips and roughly pulling them against his. I pulled away just as he tried to put his tongue in my mouth, quietly asking him, "What are we doing? " as I looked down and fiddled with my hands. I felt a rush of heat creep up my neck and cheeks as he smiled down at me.

"It's just experimenting, mate," Luke chuckled, biting at his lipring and pulling it into his mouth.

"But isn't it wrong?" I asked, about to cry. What if I had cheated on Addie?

Luke grabbed the forgotten bottle of vodka and brought it to his lips and taking a swig, making direct eye contact with me the whole time.

I shivered under the intense gaze.

Luke smirked again, bringing his lips close to my ear and whispering, "Scientists experiment all the time, babe." and left me alone, watching his body move farther and farther into the sea of people.

I waited until I was sure he was gone before I sat down with my head in my hands, wondering what the hell I had just done and why the fuck I had agreed to go this party in the first place.

One part of me- the angel in those lame movies, whispered in my head what I had just done was so wrong and no excuse could make up for my immorals; while the devil on the other shoulder told me exactly what Luke had said; it's just experimentation.

But the look on my girlfriend's face from across the room said otherwise.


sorry this was short but I just HAD to end it this way

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