Chapter 17

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Feeling emotionally drained, I decided to go to bed. I brushed my teeth, and my hair, and I washed my face and hands, then I crawled into bed after telling my mom goodnight.
Then, my phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered tiredly. My voice sounded wrecked, and my eyes hurt from looking at my bright phone screen.
"Michael!?" A breathy, high-pitched voice asked on the other end. Addie.
I thought about hanging up, but I needed an explanation.
"Hi," I said quietly, scratching my head. The feather hair things really do make your scalp itchy.
"Oh my gosh, where have you been? Kyle and I were worried sick!"
Whoop, and there it is. Kyle.
"Yeah, well, um-I have to go. Love y-Um, bye." Fuck, I hate myself. I hung up before she could protest and slammed my phone down on my nightstand.
I laid my head on the pillow, and regretted it immediately regretted it.
Coconuts, and vanilla. . . Sunshine dust.
I left my head there, breathing in the familiar scent, and it felt like she was almost laying beside me. Our fingers intertwined, her eyes staring up into mine, just like normal. I started to wonder if maybe she was doing the same thing with Kyle.
I felt a cold tear slip down my skin, leaving a tiny puddle on my shirt. I felt the lump in my throat, making it hard to swallow.
This feels wrong. I should be the one to hold her hand, and kiss her forehead. She's supposed to be mine.
"Michael?" I heard a voice ask. My eyebrows furrowed. Mum wasn't home, and Dad was at work. I was home alone.
"Michael?" the voice sounded crooked, like it was coming from someone with half a face, making their words slur slightly.
It wasn't coming from outside, or outside. Or to the left of me or to the right.
"Michael!" Oh God. Please no. It was coming from inside my head.
"Please go away," I whimpered, sitting up and hugging my knees. I felt so scared, this hadn't happened in so, so long. No was was here to hold me through it, and my hands were shaking so hard I couldn't pick up my phone.
"Hey, it's okay," the slimy voice said. It was higher than the rest. It was a girl. "My name is Olivia."
I nodded, feeling a bit calmer. "My name is Michael."
"I know."
There was silence. It was loud. The silence. It felt like it was taking up all the oxygen in the room. It was shrill and loud and piercing. I hugged my knees closer.
"Can you see me?" Another voice asked. I turned. There, sat four people, on my bed. One was a male, wearing a black suit and he had black hair. And there was one girl, that was Olivia. She had blonde hair and was a bit chubby. And then two more boys. They were scary, with long hair and grinning smiles. It felt as though they wouldn't stop staring at me.
"Can you hear me?" one of them asked again.
"Please," I shook my head. My voice came out quiet. "I don't want this. Please go away," I begged, sinking my head down closer to my chest.
One of them came closer. "You're sad," he said low and slowly, one sharp fingernail dragged across my face, leaving a sting. "We could kill her, if you want." he smiled.
Oh, my God. He was talking about Addie.
"No, no! Please don't hurt her!" I screamed, scrambling away from them. But, they only got up and followed until I was pressed against the door.
"We won't, silly!" Olivia smiled. "You will."
My eyes widened. "Please, don't make me do that. I don't want that! I don't want to hurt her." I'd never felt so small in my life.
"We can do whatever we want," one of the boys spat. I felt it, the coldness of the voice and the warmth radiating off of him as he pushed his face in mine. He felt so real. . . I struggled to tell myself he wasn't. "We control you, boy."
As I sank down to the floor, with my back pressed against the door, I heard my mom come in.
"I'm here, Mikey! I brought home dinner!"
As I turned to the tormenting figures standing before me, I contemplated telling my mom.
Then, they all put their finger to their lips and whispered an icy, "Shh," and then faded into nothing.
wow lyric you updated. good job, you suck.

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