Chapter 15

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"How long do I have to rub your back for?" Luke groaned.
"Until I'm done puking," I roll my eyes at the blond.
I had never been able to hold my alcohol.
After wiping my mouth and getting off my knees, I informed Luke I was, obviously, done vomiting.
Luke chuckled and sucked his lip ring into his mouth.
"Let's go lay down," he whispered as he led me to my bed. Immediately, I cuddled myself into his broad chest.
"Lukey," I said quietly. "I miss her."
He only sighed and rubbed my back just as he did a minute ago. "I know, mate."
And I thought about her for the first time since last night.
Her long brown hair. Her hazel eyes. Her smile. Her.
That's all I ever thought about, she was all I thought I would ever need. My life, entirely, revolved around her.
"Luke?" I asked the currently shirtless blond.
"Will you stay with me if I call her?"
"Yeah, Mikey."
So I called her. Her number was still the most recent contact I had called.
On the fifth ring she answered.
"What do you want?"
I looked at Luke, scared that she would hang up; "It's okay," Luke mouthed.
"Addison, I'm sorry." I heard her wince at the use of her full name.
"I really miss you, babe. I'm sorry. Can't we talk?" I sighed as Michael slowly rubbed my back and hair. "Is there somewhere you can meet me?" I questioned.
"The coffee shop," Addie growled.
ew this was short but god damn i hate this book

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