His Dirty Pick-Up Line To You

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Kevin Owens- "I heard your grades are bad... I'm sure this D won't hurt."

Sheamus- "Oh baby I want to be stuck to you like glue baby, my room is the g-spot, call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bed rock."

Sami Zayn- "Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a sweet ass."

Finn Balór- "I'll kiss you in the rain, so you'll get twice as wet."

Dean Ambrose- "Girl, you should sell hotdogs, because you already know how to make a weiner stand."

Roman Reigns- "Roses or daiseys? Now I know what flowers to put on your casket when I murder that pussy."

Seth Rollins- "Wanna go on an ate with me? I'll give you the D later.
Gross 3 more days until school.

Seth enjoyed that a little too much. (Picture)

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