What He Does When You Get Injured/Sick

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Thanks to Viola-Lobo
Kevin Owens- You have the flu. Adrian took a week off from work to come take care of you. Whenever you can't sleep or feel awful, he let's you rest on his stomach. Even though he doesn't like it, he will do anything to make you happy and feel better.

Sheamus- When you have a cold, Sheamus will always cook for you. He always makes meals from his home country of Ireland. Including potatoes, meats, and soups. Sometimes even feeding you when you feel to weak. Sheamus also gives the best cuddles.

Sami Zayn- For the past couple of days you've had a fever. During that time Sami would make sure and come home early to take care of you. He would cook Arabian food for both of you while you were sick. At night you would snuggle into his furry chest and he would wrap his arms around you while you all sleep.

Finn Balór- You've had a horrible headache since your match at NXT. When you both got back to you alls house he gave you medicine. While you were trying to relax he would talk to you, because he knows you love his accent.

Dean Ambrose- Dean and you were in a mixed tag match. During it Kane accidentally hit you and dislocated your shoulder. Dean got back at him by beating the shit out of him, and hitting him with dirty deeds. You two won the match and dean carried you to the doctors backstage. He stayed and waited until you were done, making sure you're okay.

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