My First Day

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Kristi's Pov

I walked upon the gravel road with Aphmau, as one of the newest guards,she wanted to give me a tour. I have already met Kawaii-Chan,Nicole,Lucinda,Levin,Malichi,Garroth,Dante,Dr.Doctor,Cadenza,Brian,and the other villagers, but I havent met this boy called Laurence yet, It seems she is hesitant of me meeting him, but why? "Well heres the guards stay, have fun!"Aphmau said and walked to the Sacred Oak Tree. As I walked in, I bumped into someone, "S-sorry"I said scaredly and helped him up. "Its okay, and who in Lady Irene are you" he asked. "Im Kristiana I prefer Kristi, Aphmau brought me here because of my abusive village." I said. "Well, Im Laurence of Meteli nice to meet you Kristi." He said and opened the door for me to let me in before him.

Laurence's Pov

I opened the door for Kristi, I say she is beautiful with her hair like that...and her hazel eyes are really pale to. It looked like she was looking for someone though."Looking for anyone" I asked as she nodded. "Looking for Dante, he said he would help me with my agility." She said and I frowned, 'Why Dante?' I thought, "But I will need help with my blades can you help me?" She asked. "Sure" I said with a soft smile as Garroth walked in. "Kristi, Dante wants to see you now" He said and she nodded and walked out of the tower, leaving me feeling anger at Dante for requesting her. "Garroth?" I asked. "What Laurence." He said "Would it be crazy if I said I love her even though I just met her?"

Kristi's Pov

As I balanced on a branch of a tree Dante watched me closely just incase if I slipped. I was focused but I fell, Dante ran and caught me and looked me in the eye, "You have to be careful" he said with a worried look on his face. "I just slipped Im fine" I said and leaned against a tree. Dante leaned beside me, "Kristi You should get rest, it will save your strength for swords training, more,agility and just in case if anyone wants you to help him"Dante said. "Okay I will" I said as I went to,the guest room of Aphmau's house and swiftly fell under the spell of sleep.
"help!" I screamed as Jeffory The Golden Heart yanked me onto his ship."Shut up Princess Kristiana" he snapped as I was put into a room with Jeffory. "Let me go please!" I pleaded and he chuckled. "The High Priest requested your presence so your stuck here." I sighed and stayed on the cold wooden floor. "We're here now follow and dont think of running away Princess"Jeffory growled. I followed him into a house and was greeted by The High Priest. "Ah, I see you came Princess." "Why do you want me here!" I snarled as my eyes shot daggers at him. "To have you as my own" he said plainly. "Never! I dont like you, your just a desperate peice of pity." I snarled, I knew it stung him, his eyes showed coldness. "If you dont like me then Ill force you" he said as he knocked me out with chlorophyll.
~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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