Chapter 11

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They were all asleep after they sorted out who's taking which shift. The four had noticed Naruto looked very tired and wary so they decided that he doesn't need to take a shift but Sakura was screeching her complaints, asking why the dobe doesn't need to take one. Lee was just too focused on Sakura to do any participation of suggestion. Naruto had fallen asleep immediately after eating and landing with a soft thud on his bed roll. They all panicked when they saw him fall backwards when he was sitting on his bed roll but they soon relaxed realising that he was asleep. Kakashi took the first shift then it was Neji and Sasuke together before Gai took the last shift. The two boys decided that since they were genin they would be in more of an advantage if they ever need it. Plus they are both from well known and well respected clans with powerful doujutsu. It was Gai's turn to take the shift when they heard a weird noise, the ones awoken pretended to be asleep whilst Gai focused his attention a little more on the sound. It sounded almost like whimpering but it was too quiet to be sure. Sasuke, Neji and Kakashi readied themselves with their weapons. They almost attacked if not for their last minute reflexes as Naruto shot up with a gasp. They all fought the urge to move as they tried to look at Naruto to see what he was doing. Naruto was taking in lungs full of air quietly as he looked around whilst wiping madly at his face, hoping he didn't wake anyone. Naruto had a nightmare...
Naruto ran a hand through his hair as he leaned his head on his knees that are tucked near his chest. He was pulling at his own hair in hopes of getting the nightmare out of his head. They almost gave themselves away when a small fox appeared beside Naruto and nudged him. Naruto sighed softly and let the fox onto his lap. He closed his eyes as he stroked the fox's soft fur to mediate which would always make him fall asleep whenever he wants to. The three awake ninja in the cave sighted no further danger so they promptly fell asleep again, making a mental note to question Naruto in the morning.
Sasuke had to shake Naruto awake when breakfast was ready. How did he even sleep in that awkward position?! His neck must hurt like hell. Sasuke mused as Naruto slowly awoken from his slumber, making Sasuke note that the fox from the night before was gone. "Where did your fox go?" Sasuke blurted out before he could break it slowly so that he doesn't seem like he was spying on Naruto the night before. But poor Naruto having to act like the oblivious dobe did and they could hear Sakura grumbling about how much she hates mornings. Neji, Kakashi and Gai looked at Naruto subtly for his reaction.
Naruto just frowned, looking confused. "What fox?"
"You mean you did not see a fox?" Neji asked slowly.
"No?" Naruto said, trailing off. Shittttt. They were awake! Kurama, who asked you to appear?!
You were so sad and so scared! It was an instinct! I'm sorry!
... Don't apologise. I'm sorry for shouting at you.
You don't apologise! Okay fine. Both of us did nothing wrong okay? If someone was wrong, it would be them for spying on you. Kurama finished, swinging her tails around.
"What are you guys talking about?" Lee asked.
"Oh, nothing. Just trying to clarify somethings we saw but is kinda getting even more confused." Kakashi replied. Naruto's face contorted into a confused and weirded out face to put up an act so they don't suspect him. "Then how did you end up sleeping in a sitting lotus position against the wall?" Sasuke asked. Naruto scratched his head as he pretended to think. "To tell you the truth, I don't remember how I ended up sleeping like that." Naruto lied, just a white lie. To protect himself, to not drag them into his problems. They have enough problems to deal with, they don't need to help him with his.

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