Secret Plots For Deliquent Clowns (Chapter 2)

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Hey guys! Putting up a new chapter and I hope you enjoy it! If You think something doesn't seem right PLEASE let me know! I need all the help I can get.

Well have fun my little pretties <3


****Micah's POV****

Who the fuck ran into me? They better have a good god damn reas-

Oh my god.

My eyes were pierced by her radiant gold eyes. Raven Thompson.

I despised her with a passion. The damn brat.

I glared at her and smirked. "So, where are you heading to, precious?"

Her paralyzed gaze melted and she pronounced her signature cocky smile and replied, " To Georgia, love. And you?"

What the hell?! She was not going to Georgia! NO! I was going there! I swear, if she was going to be on the trip with me...

"What's wrong, sweetie? Cat got your tongue?" She chuckled and turned and kept walking on.

I snarled and walked her direction... I had no other choice. I promised my brother I would get out his hair for at least a month or he would kick me out...

Picking up my pase, I caught up to her. Hesitantly, I grabbed her forearm.

She widened her eyes, starred at me and whisper," What the hell do you think you are doing?! Get your hand off of me!"

I replied with my mouth stretching into a crooked smile," Why? Do you not like to be touched by men?"

She turned and looked at me through her black and pink coon-tail streaked hair and shot me a glance with her exotic eyes.

"The next time you touch me, I'll take whatever man pride you still have left and crush it, you hear me?"

I grabed her wrist. "You are quite cocky for being so innocent." I replied with my smile, but it began to slowly disappear as I noticed her reaction.

****Raven's POV****

I stopped.

My heart was going to explode and hopefully I would along with it...

My body became weak again hearing those words. It frightened me to no end.

Did he know about the dream...? No. That's impossible. It's just a conicedence.

"Are you ok-"

"Leave me be." I said throwing his arm down and walked to the terminal slowly.

I didn't want to hear or see his face. He always made me feel like shit. He had no right to talk to me after what he did to Nikki.... Poor Nikki....

****Micah's POV****

What the hell did I do wrong now?! I know I didn't hurt her, so what is she whining about?

Maybe she is having a hard time or something happened to her...

No! Why should you care? She's the bitch who never let you have a decent life.

But what if she just needs someone to talk to...

She can go cry about it to someone who actually cares!

She doesn't have anyone anymore.

Nikki is gone.

I stopped walking and starred at my hands.... Was it really all my fault..? Was it my fault she died?

I closed my eyes for awhile so no tears would be revealed to the outside world.

My feet began to move forward and so did I.

I don't care anymore. She's dead and that's that. I don't care if her best friend, Raven, hated me for it. There was nothing I could do.

Nikki got drunk after her parents got a divorce and asked to borrow my parent's car. I didn't realize she was drunk and let her borrow the damn car keys.

How was I supposed to know? It isn't everyday you hear a 14 year old girl want to go drive. I thought maybe her parents needed to borrow it...

I miss her...

My mind was wondering to old forgotten memories that I had burried away for years.

Everything reminded me of her. Especially Raven.

And I hated her for that.

****Mr. Ander's POV****

"Gather around!" I called to the group.

Why did they all prefer to look as if they had exited a clown orientation?

I despised this children for taking on the role of being deliquents. But oh well. I will be rid of them soon.

"Okay, so here are your room buddies for when you do arrive at the hotel in Georiga. Ace you will be with Jai. Jax with be with Fae and Haven. And Micah and Raven will be sharing a room together. Now I know you are all adults and I would appreciate it if you would keep the physical touching to a maximum of none at all. Do I make myself clear?"

I almosted bursted out laughing when I noticed how they didn't highly prefer being with the people I had choosen them to be with. I just had to do it to witness the great reaction!

Nobody replied. I only heard gasps and snarls of disgust. This was going to be good.


And with that I shooed them off to the terminal and said my farwells.

Finally they were gone.

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