Chapter 1

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~Ross's POV~

What's wrong with me? How could I do that? Why do I even try trusting myself anymore?

Yesterday, I had screamed at my landlord. I told him off, just because he asked for my monthly rent payment for my apartment.

If that wasn't enough, I threw a glass at him when he told me to calm down.

Regardless, I'm being evicted. I now have 30 days to move out.

Maybe if I had told Nobody can know about this. If they did, they would look at me like a freak. They would be afraid of me. They already have a right to be.

I wish I didn't have my outbursts. I wish I could control myself.

But I can't. And I never will.

I separated myself from everybody. I knew what I could do if I got out of control. I could easily kill somebody.

So, I left my family behind. My mother. My father. My brother. Even my pet chicken, Thundercluck.

I had also left my friends behind, Jin, Adam, and John.

I didn't want to hurt them.

It was three years ago when I discovered my unstable mind.

It happened in my Geometry class. My teacher asked me to answer a question on the board. I did what I was told.

"Wrong answer, Ross." She said.

Out of nowhere, rage filled my mind. I ended flipping desks, throwing things, and screaming random things.

I later tried to convince everyone that I was just stressed out, and that there was nothing wrong with me.

But really, I knew exactly what was happening.

I realized that there was something seriously wrong with my mind.

When I discovered that I couldn't control it, I segregated myself from everyone else.

I stayed in my room all the time. I didn't pay attention in school, because I was so busy worrying about keeping myself calm. I just barely managed to graduate.

I moved away as soon as I possibly could. All I had was the money I'd left with. I even stole some from my parents to pay for it.

And now, I would have to find a new home.

I couldn't go back to my parents. If I did, they would be dead in minutes.

What now? I can't go anywhere. I can't do anything.

I have contemplated suicide before. But I had just a sliver of hope that prevented me from finishing the job.

But I am still depressed all the time. The only times I'm not, I'm throwing things around the room and screaming at everyone.

I decided to get up off the floor I was lying down on, and try to get a job.

Hopefully, they fire me for an outburst before I end up murdering someone.

I walked out the door, putting on a fake smile.

I saw my landlord on the way. He had a bruise on his face from the glass. At least it hadn't shattered until it hit the ground.

I was pretty lucky he didn't call the police on me for assaulting him.

"Off to find a new apartment?" He said, a little bitterness still resonating in his voice.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"Good. And try not to kill your new landlord."

I could feel rage slowly filling up in my mind.

No, Ross. You can't do this. You can't. calm...yourself...

Just as I was about to snap, he walked away. That gave me the opportunity to take my anger out on a nearby flower pot.

I threw it and hit a nearby car. The alarm went off, and I ran as fast as I could.

This job thing is going to be harder than I thought.

Broken {house_owner fanfic}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora