chapter twenty two

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"Blair?" A familiar voice asked and the teen opened her eyes. The only thing she could see was a faint light ahead of her. Everything else was dark. Something didn't feel right, she didn't feel normal and her body felt weird. It was something that she couldn't explain.

"Hello?" Blair asked and saw Brooklyn's face, "Brooklyn."

"No, don't walk any farther." Brooklyn said.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"You aren't meant to be here." Brooklyn replied. Blair saw the light slowly fade away and felt herself being pulled into a darkness. She called for Brooklyn's name, but got no reply. Whatever was happening to Blair, it felt terrifying.


Blair gasped and looked around. She felt herself laying on a cold, metal table and knew that she was in a morgue. "Am I dead?" She asked as she sat up, seeing Scott McCall and his mother with confused and frightened looks on their faces.

"You're suppose to be dead." Scott's mom replied, "You got stabbed in the chest."

"What?" Blair asked. She touched her chest, feeling dried blood but couldn't find the wound.

"Did she heal?" Scott's mom then asked and he nodded.

"I'll call Deaton."


Blair sat in the back of animal clinic. The owner, Doctor Deaton, was whispering in the corner of the room with Scott. As far as Blair knew, she somehow came back to life even though she was stabbed in the chest with a knife. Apparently the demon left Allison's body, which was the only good news that Blair has heard so far.

Doctor Deaton walked back to Blair and stood in front of her, "You're aware on how you are suppose to be dead, right?"

"Yes." Blair said, nodding in reply.

"I never knew this legend was true until now. There's always been legends about cats and what they can do, but I guess all of the legends are true." Doctor Deaton said, "Lions are in the cat family, and since you're a werelion this works for you. For years, cats have said to have nine lives. That if they die, they'll come back to life. That's your case, you died but came back to life."

"Huh?" Blair asked, she could barely believe what she was hearing, "Are you being serious?"

"It's the only logical explanation. No one can just come back to life form being stabbed in the chest." Scott replied and Blair nodded.

"So I have eight lives now?"

"Yeah, so I guess if you get killed then it's okay." Scott said and Blair sighed.

"Great. I should be dead, especially since Brooklyn is but now I'm alive. This is just, this is fantastic!" Blair yelled. She knew that she should be thankful, but instead she was scared and angry. Brooklyn was dead because of Blair, and it wasn't fair that Blair got to come back to life.

"It's okay. This is no one's fault." Scott spoke as he walked over to her and she shook her head.

"Can I just have some alone time?"

"Yeah, I'll bring you back home." Scott nodded as he and Blair began to walk out of the animal clinic.


Blair sat in her room. The shades were closed and she was clutching one of her pillows. For the past two hours, all she could think about was how she was suppose to be dead. She bent the rules of living and dying. But now Blair knew that if she were to do anything dangerous, that she could just easily come back to life until she ran out of lives.

A knock came from her door and she groaned, "Who is it?"

"Liam." The voice said and she sighed. She forgot about him. 

"Come in." Blair said as she turned on her lamp.

"Scott told me about what happened." He replied as he walked in, "That's crazy."

"I know. I shouldn't even be alive right now."

"How are you feeling?"

Blair shrugged, "I don't know. How is someone suppose to feel after they come back to life? I saw Brooklyn before I woke up. She told me that I didn't belong 'here' and I don't know where that is. I saw a faint light, too. I thought for a split second that I was going to be reunited with my best friend, but I guess I was wrong since I'm alive and she's not."

"You can't keep beating yourself up for this. Brooklyn wouldn't want you to be miserable all the time."

"I know," Blair said as she stood up, "Which is why I'm moving. A few weeks ago, my parents told that my dad got a job offer in Tampa Bay, Florida that paid even more money. They said that I can decide if I want to move or not, and I'm going to tell them that I'm moving. I can't stay in Beacon Hills anymore, not after what happened."

"You're leaving?" Liam asked, "You can't just leave."

"Well, I am. I'm leaving Beacon Hills and I don't know if I'm coming back. I don't know if I'll ever come back." Blair said, "This is goodbye. I'm leaving here as soon as possible. Tell the pack that I say bye and I'll be fine. I can handle myself."

Liam pulled Blair into a hug and sighed, "I don't want you to leave."

"I have to. If I stay here, then Brooklyn's death will haunt me for the rest of my life. This is my way of getting closure." Blair whispered. She felt a tear roll down her cheek and for a moment, she heard Brooklyn's voice telling her that she was making a good decision.



Yes, this is the last chapter of Nine Lives but I will do an epilogue. No need to worry. 

And now the title is explained! The reason I named this Nine Lives was because it did have to do with legends of cats and because Blair has Nine Lives. So if you were wondering the true meaning behind the title, now you know.

Thank you all for reading and I really hope you enjoyed this story. It was fun to write and I hope it was fun to read as well!

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