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Love is when you both drink coffee in the evening and still fall asleep quickly next to each other.

The two decided it would be best to move in together. So they both went out apartment shopping trying to find one that suits both of them.

Lane wanted a big, spacious apartment while Stephanie wanted a small, cozy one. They went on searching for months.

They went to open houses, Stephanie endlessly scrolled through Internet sites trying to find an apartment that fits their budget. Lane went out talking to people finding subsequent housing.

Finally, the two found a suitable apartment to live in. They both helped each other to move out of each other's apartment. The room had a sense of minimalist coziness clashing the two style choices.

After unpacking, Lane made some coffee and the two sat at the dinner table.

After one sip Stephanie brought something up.
"So, Lane...." She stopped, twirling her spoon around in the cup.
"What is it babe?" Stephanie froze. The word babe not only left her train of thought. It made her weak.

Lane smiled knowing how his words have an affect on her. After a few seconds Stephanie regained herself back and continued her statement.

"So when did you muster the strength to tell me you like me?"

Lane looked straight at her. "Well I kinda run this blog. And I always talk about you. That sounded creepy. But in an anonymous way. Anyways, besides the point. Remember that day I didn't come to the coffee shop? I posted a text post saying how much I couldn't tell you my true feelings," Lane took a breather and another sip of coffee. 

"Someone following my blog commented on my post saying I should and how she may have feelings for me and what not. So that got me thinking. And so I did."

Stephanie was shuffling under the table and getting more and more flustered. Lane didn't understand why. 

"What's wrong?" Lane asked concerned. 

Laughing wearing Stephanie replied softly. "Well, you see. That day you didn't come to the coffee shop I was disappointed. That day I brought my laptop, and I already knew you were on the Internet. With your journals and what not. But I came across your blog." 

Lane put his cup down. And looked at her bewildered. 

"I read every single text post you uploaded. But as I was going through I noticed your feelings for me were the same I felt for you."

Lane turned and stuttered. "That was very personal."
Stephanie placed her hand over his. "I know but I was the one who commented.

Lane froze. His olive eyes widen. His breathing hitched.

"Lane its okay. You think I don't write about you too?"

Lane looked straight at Stephanie. "I write about you everyday. I've been crazy about you. I have a journal about it, if you want to read it."

Lane bit his lips , "Yeah, I wanna read it. "

Sighing , Stephanie pulls out her journal from her purse and gave it to Lane.

Lane stands up, "Let's go to bed. I wanna read it there. "

"No, how about you read it in bed and I stay here", Stephanie said.

Lane looks directly at Stephanie adriming her features.

Stephanie looks up,"What?"

Lane slowly walks towards Stephanie and puts the journal in his back pocket.

"Lane, what are you doing?"

Lane said nothing but contuined sauntering towards her.  

Stephanie gave Lane a confused face but continued  sipping her coffee. 

Lane swooped Stephanie off the chair, carrying her bridal style to the bedroom. 

"Lane.  Lane put me down."  Stephanie struggled.

Lane said nothing and plopped her onto the bed.

He then got cozy into bed and took out Stephanie's journal.  

"What page should I read out a loud first?"

"I would suggest none of them."

"Aw, but what would be the fun of that Stephanie."

November 30th page 32

I can't seem to stop thinking about him.  Oh, how I crave to run my soft hands through his dirty blonde hair.  I wish to kiss those soft tinted pink lips.  I want to be lost in his tender green eyes.  

Lane smirked while Stephanie hid under the covers embarrassed. 

December 6th page 40

I wonder what he thinks about.  His chiseled face is always focused but on what?  Oh no he saw me staring.  But those green eyes are so memorizing.

"One more page, just for the fun of it." Lane said.  Stephanie still under the covers groaned.

December 8th page 41

I found Lane online, on some newspaper website.  I found a stunning picture of him.  Navy blue is so his color. On this site I saved many more pictures on my laptop.  I feel so bad but so good at the same time.  I saved 28 of his pictures.  28 pictures! 

"So I look good in navy blue huh?" Lane questioned while putting down Stephanie's journal on the night stand.  Stephanie was still under the covers flustered.  Lane went under the covers with Stephanie.  His hands scooped Stephanie into his chest.  

Lane inhaled Stephanie's scent. "I love you so much."

"I know you do Lane.  I love you too." 

The two slept in each other arms in warmth cascading away the cold air from the night.  


{A/N: I know this sucks and that it took a long time but here you go :) } Please Vote And Comment

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