Chapter 2

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Morrigan gathered with Murielle and Eleanor in the market that day to round up supplies for Robert's birthday. Eleanor wanted to surprise him with a crustade lombarde that she'd learn to cook from her aunt. Eleanor's aunt and uncle traveled quite a bit to learn new recipes and gather exotic spices. It was because of this that her family gained such favor in the royal house. On every special occasion, her family was expected to present the royal family with a new recipe or dish of which they discovered on their holidays.

The girls were taking their time picking ingredients. Morrigan would hold up a small pouch of saffron for Eleanor to inspect and the two would giggle at her impersonation of her Aunt Matilde's flamboyant hand gestures.

"What a lovely smell!" Eleanor proclaimed, "I'm positive this must've come fresh off the shores of Asia!"

Playing along, Morrigan took in a deep smell of the spice and nodded, "Oh yes. Hand ground with love and care just for you, M'Lady."

Sauntering to the next spice, Eleanor would pick it up and share it with her friend, "And this? Oh just divine. Salts from the farthest oceans ever to be sailed!"

The two carried on this way until Morrigan felt the penetrating stare of Angus. Her smile faded and she hid it as best she could. When she wasn't participating as much as she had been, Eleanor nudged her softly.

"Have you captured too much sun, Morgie?" She teased.

"No, it's that doctor," Morrigan whispered, "Master Angus? He's here and burning holes in my new dress with his eyes."

Eleanor picked up an apple from the vendor's cart and brought it up to her nose using it as a guise to look over in the physician's direction. Placing it back on display where she found it, she offered a smile to the woman trying to sell her the fruit. Eleanor brushed her off with a polite shake of her head and continued walking. Pulling Morrigan with her she leaned in pretending to tell her a joke.

"He's absolutely frightening," Eleanor said against her friend's ear, "What with all the scars on his face?"

"Shhhh!" Morrigan pinched her companion's arm and laughed, "You're wicked, Ellie!"

Eleanor grabbed a bundle of wild flowers from the next vendor and took its beautiful scent, peeking over the petals in the direction behind Morrigan. Her smile widened suspiciously and Morrigan spun to look.

"It's him!" Morrigan turned back around almost immediately, "He's so beautiful I can barely stand it."

Eleanor still had that devious grin on her face when she tossed the flowers aside, "Yes he is.."

Before Morrigan could catch her, Eleanor ran up to Geoffery and slid her arm through his, "Geoffery I've been dying to introduce you to my friend. You must come straight away."

Geoffery didn't have a chance to protest as he was pulled from where he was by the insistent Eleanor.

"Easy girl, I'm coming!" he laughed.

Geoffery looked around and continued following Eleanor past the tittering women that surrounded him, "Who, Ellie?"

Eleanor stopped in front of Morrigan who smiled and curtsied before Geoffery, "Morrigan Kingsley, meet my cousin, Geoffery Blake."

Geoffery offered a bow to Morrigan and took her hand in his, "M'Lady Morrigan, tis a pleasure to meet you. Ellie speaks very highly of you."

Morrigan shot Eleanor a look then quickly concealed it when Geoffery's eyes lifted up, "A pleasure, Geoffery. Ellie tells me many great things about you as well."

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