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I felt fire in my veins and the chill of death frosting over my gaze until the warm, earthy green faded. The world and all its brilliant color bled out leaving me with shades of grey. Every memory of my childhood funneled out with each labored breath; my soul was slipping away.

The tiny legs of a fly caused the intermittent twitching of the dying girl's eye. She was shouting from within but no one would hear her. She could not move. Could not run. She tried to scream but the only thing that came out was the retching, gurgle of blood and writhing larvae. The bodies twisted and dove in and out of the wound across her torso, feasting on the decaying flesh.

There was a crunch of boots from somewhere in the distance that came to an abrupt stop before she heard a shift and then sound of those same boots crunching at a faster pace further away.

"No, please..." She thought to herself, "God, please don't leave me here alone!"

Out of nowhere, a shadow darkened her limited range of vision. It was a man even though his face was blocked by shadows and the sky behind him rolled with clouds of forlorning.

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