Chapter 1

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He watched her. The sweet, innocent way her dimples curved inward making her cheeks seem more plump. Her smooth skin like cream against the peach blushing that spread down to her slender neck when she laughed. The way her delicate skin perked over the young mounds of her breasts. All of it together made his lewd gaze feel that much more lecherous. He tried to stop watching but she was irresistible. The more he tried to look away the more he'd stare.

He realized his lower lip was trembling. His jaw like rubber, fell slack and his breathing was growing ragged. He needed her. Desired her in every way.

The physician pulled off his spectacles and rubbed his handkerchief over the lenses. Across from him, Geoffery Blake made his way through the crowd of women in the market. The women all giggled like hens, both young and old, at his approach. He was the son of a wealthy landlord, and therefore a prime catch for a young woman's family if an arranged marriage could be made. Angus was a physician and held good social standing, himself. If it weren't for his age and the scars left behind from his bout with the Measles, he'd have been married with children of his own by now.

Despite all this Angus had a few offers from father's lower on the food chain. Some had offered the homely, awkward daughter who was approaching "old maid" status. Being offered the runts of the litter didn't appeal to his over-inflated ego. In fact, it made him bitter and angry.

Angus' money had opened quite a few doors for him, and he convinced himself that his pock-ridden face had nothing to do with his bachelor's status. It was more comforting to believe it was he who held out for the perfect choice; the perfect, untouched beauty named Morrigan Kingsley.

Morgan was wispy and feminine with a waist cinched to a diminutive eighteen inches. Her hips flared out like an hourglass into a firm, heart-shaped rump. Her laughter was infectious and carried to his ears now. It was like wind chimes on the breeze tickling his ears. He had to take in a breath when he realized he'd stopped breathing and was holding it in trying to keep her scent inside him. Even at this distance he could capture it. Vanilla and lavender.

The market was extra crowded today. It made Angus uncomfortable but he was grateful for the camouflage it provided while he stared past the faces at his prize.

His prize.

Yes. That is exactly what she was, and what he'd make her.

Angus' hand slid over the firm orange on display in the vendor's cart before him. His palm cupped it and he allowed his fingers to curl around the fruit before bringing it before his face. The citrus was fresh and aromatic.

"G'day, sir!" said the girl tending, "Picked fresh jus' this mornin'.. Care for jus' one?"

Angus pulled his gaze away from his prize to the girl. She was plain but looked healthy enough. SHe didn't have the stench of pigs or livestock like the others. He began to drink her figure in when she caught him doing so. She swayed side to side before turning and giving an ample view to her cleavage. Angus' intense stare continued unapologetically. He was much too worked up from watching Morrigan, and daydreaming about peeling off her clothing to get to the sweet spot to stop himself. The girl before him was groomed for this kind of behavior. He could tell by her well-rehearsed flirtations. Angus continued to observe her; she was freshly washed and the oils in her neatly braided coif filled his hyper-sensitive sense of smell.

"Good day, girl" Angus smiled down at her moving closer, "How fresh are they?"

Angus whispered the words with a shuddering, exhaled breath and with his free hand he took the liberty of reaching out to brush a runaway lock of fiery-red away from her cheek. The girl smiled more and lifted her shoulder a little. Eyes of jade floated upward and met his gaze again.

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