Ch.2 Two Sisters (D)

Start from the beginning

Daisy and Lillian met Victoria in her car, a custom silence between the two sisters. The streets of downtown Santa Monica were always busy, especially around noon. Half an hour later, the sisters were getting out a few blocks away from Maverick & Sinclair,  the well known law firm.

"I'll pick you up Friday, around nine o'clock. Wear a cute costume." Victoria called to Daisy, while leaning over the console of her red Mini Cooper.

Daisy felt like backing out of the whole party thing, but the excited look on her best friends face told her to do otherwise. "Okay."

Daisy said her goodbye, afterwards watching Victoria drive off. The 5'2 girl turned to her sister that was considerably taller standing at 5'9. "Where do you need to go?"

Lillian glanced at her sister, blue eyes spotting the black garment bag in Daisy's hand. "Where do you need to go?"

"I need to drop off Mr. Maverick's shirt. Do you want to meet up after I'm done?" Daisy asked, as they began walking down the busy sidewalk.

Lillian smirked, and threw her thin arm around Daisy's shoulder. "I'll come with you, baby sister."


The two girls walked into the large building, men and women dressed in suits walking by them. Daisy walked up to the reception desk, a nervous smile on her face.

"What can I do for you?" The woman behind the desk asked, her eyes moving between the two sisters.

"I-I ... I n-need t-"

Lillian groaned loudly. "What floor is Mr. Maverick on?"

Daisy wished the floor would open up and swallow her. Why was it that Lillian always came to her rescue? Daisy always turned into a stuttering mess when talking to strangers and Lillian always seemed to be there to push her further into her misery.

The receptionist smiled sympathetically at Daisy. "Top floor. I'll notify he's PA that you two are on your way up."

"T-thank you."

Lillian and Daisy were in the elevator on their way up to the top floor and Daisy could feel her hands start to sweat. She hugged the garment bag to her chest, a sickening feeling pooling in her stomach.

Would Jericho even notice Daisy, when he had the better option with Lillian? Would he even remember Daisy, or the way his simple touch had ignited a fire within her? Would he glance at her again with the softest expression on his handsome face? Would he tell her she deserved better again?

The questions were swarming Daisy's head and she could only grip the bag with his shirt tighter, wishing this was all just a bad dream.

Lillian didn't seem the tiniest affected with meeting Jericho Maverick again. She applied more lipstick and pushed her fake boobs up, while rearranging her floral bralette top. Lillian had already had naturally a nice chest size, but now she was rocking a bigger size and it was obvious her slim body had been under the knife of a surgeon.

Daisy glanced down at her own chest. She wasn't big like Lillian, but she wasn't that small either. Daisy had nothing in common with Lillian, besides their bright blue eyes and the fact that they lived under the same roof.


The doors to the elevator opened and Daisy followed behind Lillian, as she walked on the floor like she owned the place. Daisy often wished, she'd have just an once of confidence her sister was graced with.

Lillian past the empty desk of Jericho's PA and knocked on the large wooden door, Jericho Maverick Managing Partner written in bold letters.

A young man opened the door, letting the two sisters into Jericho's office.

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