Though, to my anoyance, I felt a hand grab onto my upper arm, just above my elbow. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I whip around to be face-to-face with my mate. "What do you want Adrian?" I huff, hoping that he will get the message that I don't want to talk to him..

"Come on babe. Don't be like that. You're mine now, it's time to accept that." He smirks, staring into my eyes. I mentally kick myself because of the way my body reacts to his touch and voice, just wanting to melt into him. 

I snap myself out of it and glare at him, crossing my arms across my chest. "How many times do I have to tell you that I am not 'yours'?" I take a step back from him, as an extra precaution.

I notice the change in his eyes. The once bright green, darkening to a forest, it obvious that he was getting angry. "You will accept that you belong to me, sooner or later, on your own. Otherwise, I just might have to mark you to give you that little extra push." He growls, though I see a flash of remorse in his eyes after he says it.

My eyes widen, shocked that he would threaten to do such a thing. Marking was something that was completely off the table for me. I would rather die then let Adrian be able to tell my every emotion. Through gritted teeth, I growl, "I have to go to orientation." I then turn on my heel and walk away from him, wishing that I could smack that smirk right off of his pretty face.

Heading to school, I know that it is going to be a long day.

I walk into the large main building where all the classes are held and can't hold back a smile when I see Hannah, just about the only person I know here that doesn't piss me off every second of the day. I stride up to her, and she welcomes me with a warm hug. "Sophia! Hey." She smiles at me, flashing those pearly whites.

"Hello, Hannah. Do you mind if I sit with you in Orientation?" I look at her, wishing that she would allow me to. 

"Of course! Come with me." She grabs my arm and starts to pull me into the auditorium, we quickly find some empty seats.

~~~Grrrrr!! I had another 1000 words typed after this and then wattpad just had to go and delete them. SO PISSED RN!~~~~~

Hannah drags me along to some seats near the middle. We sit down and watch everyone else walk in, commenting on how some of the girls have their skirts hiked up so far that if a breeze blew through, they would be showing much more than their fake smiles.

I see Adrian walk in and I immediately turn away, hoping that he would spot some of his buddies to sit with but to my disappointment, he walks over to Hannah and I and smiles. "May I sit with you two?" He beams Hannah that megawatt smile of his and before I can tell him to screw off, Hannah nods and motions to the seat next to me.

I glare at Hannah but she ignores it, focusing on the handsome boy before us. She holds out her hand to him, smiling sheepishly. "Hello, My name is Hannah. I'm from The Running Moon Pack."

He takes her hand and kisses her knuckles. 

My wolf growls loudly in my head, so much so, that a soft growl escapes my mouth as well. I widen my eyes when Hannah gives me a confused look, and I to play it off as a cough. I can't help notice the small smirk at my reaction.

"My name is Adrian. I come from the Sun Rage Pack." He turns to he and pretends that he doesn't know who I am. "And you are..?" He grabs my hand and kisses it also, sending sparks up my arms. My wolf purrs in approval.

"Sophia." I bluntly answer, debating whether I should pull my hand away, but before I decide, he sets in back down on my leg.

"What pack are you from?" I can see the mischevious glint in his eyes. I panic and look down.

"Ugh-" Thankfully, someone clears their throat from the stage in the front of the room and everyone turns to him. Thank the Moon Goddess.

"Welcome all, I am so pleased to see so many new faces here today to start school at this fine institute. I am the Headmaster here at Alpha Academy. If you get into any trouble, it is me that you will see. So I hope that I never have to see any of you!" He laughs at his own comment and I hear a few light chuckles in the crowd.

"As tradition, I will name all of the packs that have students attending this year." With that comment, I feel my eyes go wide with worry. What if he gives me away!? I grip onto the hem of my skirt nervously but let up when I hear that he  is only naming the packs and not the names of the people hailing form them.

I listen intently as he names the packs, starting from the lowest ranked and climbing in stature. Feeling a nudge in the side when Hannah's pack was called. I grin at her and then soon after, Adrian's pack is named. Adrian's eyes hardened when the headmaster named another pack after Sun Rage though, everyone expecting Adrian to be the highest rank here. But none the less, The Blood Moon Pack is named and the crowd erupts into whispers. I look at Adrian, noticing the anger in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, wondering if it was really that big a deal that he isn't the strongest. 

He turns to me, eyes hard and dark green. "Who is the child of the Blood Moon? I didn't even know that they sent students here. Something about them being home schooled." He talked through clenched teeth and I moved away from him on my seat, worried that he might not have a good reaction if he ever found out that I was that child. I shrugged, fazing innocence.

Hannah turns me to her and whispers, "I can't believe that the highest ranked pack has a student here! They have never attended before. I heard that they have special training for all the children of the Alpha's there and they are all cold-blooded killing machines!" Her eyes were wide and I wished more than anything to tell her that the rumor was not totally true but I couldn't trust her yet. 

The headmaster dismissed us after having staff distribute out schedules for school and to my annoyance, I have every class with Adrian and only two of them with Hannah.

This is going to be a very long year...


Thank you so much for reading! I am sorry that this chapter is kinda boring, it was just a filler but I promise you that the next one will have more action! I would have had this published sooner if half f it wasn't deleted! But, oh well. The multi media picture is what Hannah looks like!

Please vote & Comment!


Alpha Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें