Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Fluttershy POV
I can't face her.
I'm too embarrassed by my words,
"Fluttershy come on! You have to go!" Zelda Crystal says, I shake my head as I moan into the pillow; then I feel someone pull my legs off to where I'm now on the floor instead of the bed.
"I can't face her Zel!" I say, when she laughs randomly.
"Haven't you seen her Flutters? She's a hot mess now!" She says to me, making me look up at her, her makeup perfect with her costume.
"Really?" I ask, my voice higher than normal which makes it sound like a five year old.
"Yeah really, now come on Jay and DJ are waiting for us!" She says pulling me up when she fully sees how messed up my makeup is. "I'll just touch up your makeup real quick," she says, getting out her small makeup bag, fixing my makeup.
"Ok let's go," I say, when we walk out to where the hallways are spooky looking and other students are dressed up in they're own costumes.
Once we reach the auditorium the full theme hits me-
Smoke everywhere along with pumpkins across the floor. I feel Zel give me a hand squeeze of reassurance before she lets go of my hand, when I spot her girlfriend and DJ getting punch.
I walk over the best I can in my wedges, for now I'm over six feet.
"Glad you two could make it!" DJ says and Jay waves to me before grabbing Zel's hand.

Twilight Sparkle POV (whhhhaaaat??)
I followed Pinkie Pie into the auditorium, for she said it would be good for me to say hi to my friends, but all I really want to is sleep. I follow the sugar fairy to our friends, Rarity is wearing a  glamorous outfit, AJ is wearing my a cowgirl outfit and RD is wearing a very bland outfit.
"Glad you two could make it!" AJ says, tapping my back.
We drink punch and hangout when I see her, she looked so happy compared to RD. Her eyes are wide, she has a smile on and just everything looks better about her.
"You should go and talk to her," I tell RD, she uneasily shakes her head when Fluttershy walks out, her friend DJ follows her quickly out. I walk away from my friends to the balcony, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it when I hear crying.
I look to see Fluttershy on her knees crying her eyes out, her friend nowhere to be seen.
"Fluttershy?" I ask, she looks up and sniffles.
"Hey Twilight, been a while huh?" She says laughing coldly, her makeup is beyond saving and she seems really shaky.
"Yeah, do you wanna talk?" I ask, she brings her knees to her chest and nods, I sit down next to her, finally finishing my cigarette and throwing it off. "I think you should talk to Rainbow Dash, you both are hurting without each other!" I exclaim, she shakes her head.
"She hates me Twilight, I wish I hadn't told her the truth!" She says, when DJ comes back, tissues in her hand.
"Flutters I think Twilight is right," she says, handing Fluttershy the tissues and sitting next to me. "You both need each other," she says when the balcony door is opened.
Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took me a while to update but I did a slightly long one just for that! I now have braces and they hurt.....

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