Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 RD POV
It's been two months into collage and I can't believe how much we've all changed.
Pinkie Pie has become a lot like Twilight with her studying, saying that they're will be time latter to be cray.
Twilight has been acting rather strange lately and I can't pin point why.
AJ and Rarity broke up, and will barely speak to each other.
Fluttershy has been hanging out more with her friend from Cloudsdale, her name is DJPOP.
I jog around the main area when I see Flutters laughing with DJPOP and I feel a burning in my chest-
Jealousy. Why am I jealous? It's not as if I like Fluttershy, I can't fall in love with another one again.
I stop when our eyes meet, making her wave me over.
I awkwardly walk to them,
"Hey Dashie, we're getting our costumes for the Halloween Bash!" Fluttershy greets me, showing me their sketches.
"I didn't know you guys could draw!" I say, when Fluttershy blushes.
"It was all Flutters! She's a amazing artist but we're planning on giving this to Zelda Crystal since Rarity is so swamped with all the other girls costumes," DJPOP explains, I look in detail the photo's; Flutters has a medium length skirt with a interesting top with a bag and butterfly wings. DJPOP's has records and a very techno theme. "Well I have to go to work!" She leaves us alone, which shouldn't be awkward since we're roommates.
"So, do you wanna get coffee?" I finally break the ice.
"Um sure," she says, and we walk out of the campus to where my motorcycle is parked.
I hand her my spare helmet and she cautiously sits behind me.
"I suggest you hold on tight," I say, when I feel her grip tighten.
I start my bike which makes her jump, I look back at her, the helmet looking so cute-
Stop Dash.
I drive to the nearest coffee place which is a cute place which is half a painting place.
"Do you wanna paint while we're here?" She asks, I shrug.
"Might as well not!" I say, when we walk to the cafe side, it having a very hipster vibe.
I get a latte while Flutters gets tea.
"So I'm sorry for how awkward lately I've just had a lot on my mind," Fluttershy trails off, looking at the floor.
"It's ok, if you want to vent I'm always here," I tell her, but shakes her head.
"You see, I just can't. It's," she thinks for a second, "complicated," she finishes when I take her hand into mine, her frightened.
"I promise you Flutters I will listen," I tell her, but the weird thing is, she holds my hand back.
"Ok," she starts....
Oh yeah!!! I'm at the beach right now but yeah I updated! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you will, leave a like? Maybe a comment?

A Unknown Reunion- FlutterDashOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant