Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 RD POV
I waved goodbye to my parents, they had to leave as it was my time to be a collage student. I walk following the map to my new room, thinking of my high school years, they were interesting.
Once I open the room to see two beds, two small closets and a small dresser, talking one side and walking out to find my best friend.
"Hey Dash," she greets me, for her roommate is Rarity, they were complete opposites.
"Hey AJ, what's up?" I ask, they basically had the same room as myself but with a friend in it, I was the oddball out of our friends, for we were a group of five and I chose to have a random roommate.
I walk in and see a girl with light pink hair with a yellow sweater on, fixing something on her side of the room.
"Hey must be my new roommate," I greet her, she turns and smiles.
"Hi, I'm Fluttershy, nice to meet you," she says, holding her hand out.
"Rainbow Dash, have I met you before?" I ask, for she reminds me of a friend I had a friend I had a few years ago.
"I don't think so, so Rainbow Dash what are you majoring in?" She asks, sitting on her bed,
"Meteorology, you?" I reply, for I wanted to be something like a storm catcher or someone with a exciting life.
"Oh I'm going into animal caring, where is your hometown?" She asks, it's like we're playing twenty questions!
"I used to live in Canterlot," I say, remember my old high school, it was quite interesting.
"Oh cool I lived in Cloudsdale, we'll do you wanna go to the meet and greet?" She asks, picking up her phone.
"I guess," I shrug, walking with her to the student building, it was filled with ambassadors and professors, along with confusing freshmen like myself.
"Rainbow Dash!" Calls out a familiar voice, it being Pinkie Pie, she was waving crazily and smiling. I walk with Fluttershy to her and Twilight.
"Hey Pinkie, this is my roommate Fluttershy," I introduce them, she hides behind her bangs but greets them, she must hate crowds.
"Hi nice to meet you I know we're going to be the best of friends!" Pinkie says,
"Sorry for Pinkie, she can be a little loud but can be the best friend you need," Twilight says, patting Pinkie's shoulder.
"Cool," Fluttershy finally says, I think day 1 has gone well.
Hey guys so it has finally come!!!
So I'll be taking as many as I can but here's a basic template:

Facial Features (eye color, hair color, any dimples or freckles)
Usual Outfit (including accessories)
Sexual Orientation: (even if your character straight please answer!)
Background Story:
Anything else you want? Just keep adding it!
Even if your late I'll add you I'm not going to have a cut off date.

A Unknown Reunion- FlutterDashDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora