Chapter 11: "I can't believe Emmett is three months old today..."

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I woke up to Emmett making baby noises on the baby monitor, I couldn't help but smile. I felt Niall put his arm around my waist but I know he's still asleep. I eased out of his grip and walked to the clothset to change, after I was dressed I walked to Emmett's room. My baby boy was smiling, I got him dressed after changing his dipper. I walked down stairs with Emmett to fix me and him some food, I walked through the living room and saw that Jake and Kaitlin were asleep on the couch with the TV on they must have been whaching a movie and fell asleep. I walked to the kitchen and sat Emmett in the highchair next to me.

I cooked me some toast and bacon, Niall bacon, eggs, and toast and Emmett of course got a bottle. I sat down and started to eat my food when I heard someone coming down the stairs- Niall. I turned and looked at him as he smiled, kissed me and kissed his son on the forehead. "What are you doing up we still have an hour before we have to go, me and Emmett's all dressed. So I was going to let you sleep in." I stated with a smile.

"It's fine, Ella's on the phone and really upset." Niall stated handing me my cell. I sighed and took it.

"Hello, Ella what's wrong?" I asked as I heard her sniffle, she's crying.

"Harry and I are going to get married!" Ella repild in a happy crying voice, I smiled and grabbed Niall's arm.

"Really that's great Ella, we'll talk when we meet for the enterview okay?" I asked with happiness in my voice. I hung up after the line went dead and laid the phone on the counter. Niall had a confused look on his face. "Ella and Harry are getting married!" I stated hugging him tightly. I forgot about Kaitlin and Jake being here until they walked in.

"Really that's great!" Niall stated as Kaitlin and Jake sat down.

"What's going on?" Kaitlin asked, rubbing her eyes she didnt look happy about being up this early. I let go of Niall and looked at them.

"Oh, God you're not haveing a baby again are you?" Kaitlin asked, with a serious look on her face.

"What? No! Harry and Ella are engaged." I stated handing her a glass of orange juice.

"Great two people that hate me are joining forces!" Jake stated sarcasticly, we all laughed and then Emmett joined in on the laughing.

"Mean while, I can't believe Emmett is three months old today." I stated looking at Niall as I picked Emmett up out of the highchair. I kissed his cheek and smiled when he did, I looked at Niall. "Are we supose to take Emmett?" I asked.

"I don't think so I wish we were, but I think it would be too much for him to handle you know?" Niall answered rubbing Emmetts head softly. I handed Emmett to Kaitlin, and walked up to mine and Niall's room to get ready and so did Niall.

I looked through my clothes and picked out a knee length dark blue dress that from the stomach down was flowy, and had short sleeves. I laid it on the bed and sat down, I felt the bed tilt on the other side and Niall laying his head on my shoulder while barring his face in my neck. "Emma I don't know what to wear can you help me?" Niall asked as he pulled his head away and I realized he was in his boxers.

"What would you do without me?" I smiled, got up and walked to his dresser. I threw him a pair of jeans, then walked over to the closet and picked out a nice white button up shirt, I handed that to him as he pulled his pants up. "Haveing trouble getting your pants on?" I smiled.

"Oh you're so funny, go get dressed. I can button my shirt and pants myself, if I need them un buttoned I call you." Niall stated with a smile. I smiled, picked up the pillow and hit him over the head with it.

"You're too funny, you better be glad I know you're just playing!" I laughed and pulled off my pants and shirt. I walked over to the other side of the bed and picked up my dress, I pulled it over my head then ziped and buttoned it up in the back. I looked over at Niall who was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, at least he did that before he put his shirt on. I put on my black pumps and sliver star earrings that had his mine and Emmetts birthstone on them. I did my makup and was ready.

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