Chapter 6: "Home sweet home..."

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Finally after a week at the doctors we are home, I held Emmett's car seat with him all bukled up and went to the kitchen. I walked to the living room and sat down putting Emmett on the floor in front of me, as I unbuckled him from the carrier. Niall came in and sat down with us, at some point I need to go get some blankets, some more bottles, a cribe, more clothes, and dippers. I guess I'll see if the girls can go with me, I'm all heald up so I can get around a whole lot better.

"Niall I need to go get some stuff for Emmett, can you watch him while I'm gone or do you have things to do?"

"I can whatch him, and I kind of figured you had to so I called the girls over. Liam is coming to hang out with me so Emmett will be good." he smiled at the thought of him haveing Emmett all to himself today.

"Thank you, I love the both of you. You know that right?"

"No problem and yes I know I love you too, I'm sure Emmett can feel it." he stated picking Emmett up and holding him, this sight is so adorable. Someone knocked on the door so I walked over and answered it, seeing the girls with a bag.

"Hey guys, and what is all that?" I asked as they all walked over to Emmett and Niall.

"Well this a little somthing from all of us, we figured you might need it for Emmett if he's anything like Niall." El stated with a chuckle which made Niall look up at us.

"Aw, Emmett your aunts and unkles brought you something." I opened the bag and pulled out a bottle, baby formula, apple souce, and a big thing of juice. "Thank you this will help a lot, so girls are you going with me?" I asked but then I was engoulfed in a hug, Perrie, Dani, Ella, and El were all huggung me.

"Yes, we missed you. And now we can even start back to buying you some clothes." Dani stated as I felt someone else hugging me then I realized it was my 'brother' Liam.

"Aw, Liam did you miss me too. You guys do realized I saw you yesterday right?" I laughed and then heard Emmett start to cry. "Is he okay?" I add walking over to Niall and Emmett.

"Yeah he's fine just wanted his pasifire. You go with the girls and have fun he'll be fine." Niall stated as I gave him and Emmett a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay I'll have my cell if he runs out of any thing and I need to pick it up call me." I stated walking out the door.


We arrived at the baby shop and some fans were outside, Paul pushed them back but the press got through. They put a camra in my face and started to ask questions but I didn't pay any attion as Paul pushed them away, thank God Niall and the boys didn't want us to go without a body gaurd. We walked in and the place smelled like baby powder, I walked over to the boys side and started to look around.

"Look what I found!" Ella held up a blue onesie with 'my aunt is awesome', I luaghed and nodded.

"Okay how about each of you pick out a shirt that says something about an aunt and that way he'll have one for each of you?" I asked as they ran to the clothes rack.

"Okay!" they all said in unison, you got to love them.

"Found one that is perfect!" Perrie held up a One Direction onesie that said 'my aunt is amazayn' I giggled.

"Perfect!" I stated as she put it in the buggie. I looked through the clothes and saw one about a dad, I picked it up and it said 'my dad is so cool, I have to wear a jacket' it had a picture of a ice cube. I luaghed and put it in the buggie.

"Got one!" Ella said showing me a red shirt that said 'my aunt is the craziest in the world', I laughed and nodded.

"Sounds about right." I smiled.

"Here's one." Dani stated holding up a green and yellow shirt that said 'my aunt tought me my dance moves' I smiled and nodded, who comes up with these.

"Finally got one!" El held up a red shirt with little blue jeans, the shirt said 'my aunt invented sass' I laughed.

"That's reasonable!" I smiled as we walked to the cash register.


Pual helped us bring the bags in the flat as we walked in I see all the boys sitting on the couch. "We're back, were's my little man?" I smiled setting the bags down.

Niall looked up and smiled "Right here, he just had a bottle." he got up with Emmett in his arms handing him to me.

"Hey buddy, what did you and your dad and unkle do while we were gone?" I asked looking at Niall.

"We watched Iron Man and ate lunch. Oh and he has my appitite." Niall smiled, I kissed him lightly on the lips. I looked down at Emmett in my arms, he was smiling he is such a happy baby. I sat down beside Liam and Zayn on the couch and the girls sat on the floor.

"Emma you and Niall are naturals!" El stated and rubbed Emmett's hand. "Wait what's his middle name?" she added.

"James. Emmett James Horan!" I stated as I put him in her arms.

"Awe thats so cute!" Ella stated and hugged Niall, that is unusual.

"What is this for?" Niall asked hugging her back like a brother would.

"For getting Emma knocked up!" Ella stated and I glared at her.

"I was not knocked up I was pregante theres a diffrence thank you!" I stated with a laugh and Niall chuckled.

She let go of Niall and came up to me and hugged me, "I'm so glade you and Niall are getting married, because I would have to kill him if you guys weren't.".

"Ella we were ingaged before she got pregnate." Niall stated and Harry tried pulling her off of me.

"Ella let go." Harry stated, "Ella, let go. Don't make me get Louis to make you let go." Harry said that and Ella released me as fast as she could. There was someone at the door but I think Liam and Zayn answered it.

"Who is it?" I asked standing up, but before they answered in came my mom, Max and Grace. "Mom what are you doing here?" I asked walking over to her.

"Well Grace called and told me you were getting married and that you just had a baby. I had to come see my grandchild." she pushed me aside and walked over to El. "Can I hold him?" she asked El, El looked at me and I nodded. "Which one of you is the father?" mom asked looking at each of the boys, Niall stood up.

"I'm his dad." Niall stated, my mom looked at him and then at me then at Emmett.

"He looks a lot like the both of you!" she stated, me and her never really got along at all. "Why didn't you call and tell me?"she asked and I just laughed.

"Because you told me not to call you for anything, because I was on my own and I deserve what I got. Well I'm happy so if you don't mind handing me my son!" I stated reaching for him but she moved him to the other side.

"No, you're just a child yourself." mom stated, I glared at her.

"Give me my child before I call the police, and for your information I'm not a child I'm more of a mother this past week then you ever were." I stated getting in her face but Niall pulled me back. "Ella please get the phone." I stated not takeing my eyes off my son.

"Calm down, and I have the rights to take this child. You're only eighteen, and how old are you boy?" she asked which now I knew we won this already Niall's ninteen.

"I'm 19, so you can't take him. My name is on the birth certificate." Niall stated walking up to her and picking up Emmett out of her arms. She glared at me.

"Leave it to you to get knocked up by a 19 year old Emma! I'm leaveing don't call me again Max or Grace!" and with that she walked out the door.

"Boy or Girl?" (One Direction FanFic/ Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now