Chapter 5: "I think it's time Niall..."

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Niall is at a concert so he left me here a long with Dani, El, Perrie, and Ella. He hasn't let me out of anyones sight for the last two months, he says I could go into laber at any time. Of course he's right, since the doctor took out the pump I could go into laber at any moment. The girls have asked me twenty times already if I'm okay, I was fine except this little discomfert in my side like I couldn't get comfertable.

"Emma you want something to eat?" Ella asked walking to the kitchen, she's been trying to feed me all night for the past three hours. Yes, Niall's left me here for three hours remind me to thank him.

**Niall's POV**

"Niall are you okay mate?" Liam asked handing me a water before we do our last four songs.

"No, I worried about Emma. The doctor said she could go into laber at anytime." I stated drinking some of my water before our break was up.

"She's okay Niall the girls are with her." he stated walking over to the bathroom.

**Ella's POV**

I don't know what to do, I can tell that Emma is uncomfertable and so can the other girls. We've tried everything, she's in the bathroom now. I'm worried she hasn't ate all day and that's not like her at all.

"You think she's okay Ella?" El asked me, I looked up and sighed.

"No somthings wrong but I don't know what but to be honest I don't think she does eaither." I stated.

"Hey guys she's been in there a while and I haven't heard a sound." Dani said as her and Perrie walked to the bathroom door down the hallway. "Emma are you okay?" Dani asked as me and El walked over to the door as well.

"NO! I th-think my water broke. I fell when I closed the door, can you guys help me?" I heard Emma's voice, I never heard it with that much fear in it before.

**Emma's POV**

The girls came in and helped me to my feet but I then felt a pain in my stomach, yep I'm going into laber. The pain was horrid, I could barely talk.

"I need to go to the doctor now and you need to call Niall!" I stated out of breath, another strike of pain hit me but this time I screamed, I swear I didn't mean to.


The girls got me to the hospitle and as soon as I walked in, I was pushed on a bed and wheeled into a room. The put monitors on me to see the baby's heart beat, God I wish Niall was here I can't do this without him. The doctor came in when I got into the gown they gave me.

"You're only dialated two cinnameters, you have to be at ten before you have the baby but you're on your way. When your husband gets here I'll let him in, do you want to girls back here until then?" she asked.

"Yes, please!" I stated with tears falling down my face. She went out and the girls came in, they looked at me, Ella grabbed my right hand, El grabbed my left hand, Perrie was sitting in the chair beside me on the left with her hand on my shoulder, and Dani was beside Ella with her hand on my arm.

"Hang in there Emma Niall said he's on his way!" Dani stated.

With tears still falling the pain hit me again, I gasped instead of screaming the pain hurt like hell. After it stoped I looked up at Ella, "I can't do this Ella, I can't do this. I'm not ready." I cried, she started to tear up as well.

"Emma yes you can, you and Niall made this baby and with him you can have this baby. And Emma you're ready to be a mommy and you know it." she stated and I looked at the other girls they agreed. The pain came back and this time I yelled at the same time Ella closed her eyes and winced, the pain stoped and I looked at her my vision blury from the tears.

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