Chapter 2: "Ouch..."

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**Emma's POV**

Yesterday passed by fast and to be honest I didn't sleep well. I sat up in the bed as Niall walked in from the bathroom drying his hair, I don't want him to worry I couldn't handle it if I scared him over nothing if you know what I mean. For some reason I was haveing dreams about my hometown, my High School, and a bunch of diffrent things.

(The Dream

I was sitting in a camper with my head in his lap, we were laughing I looked up at Niall he was looking back. My friend was playing on her iphone and not paying any attion to us, we snuck a kiss here and there. The sceanary changed and now I was in my High School, my old friends smiling and hugging me telling me they missed me, then my old best friend handed me a baby -it was her's- a beautiful little girl with brown eyes, dark hair and she was just so adorable. The sceanary changed and this time I was in the doctors office with a baby boy on my hip that couldn't even have been a year old yet, Niall holding a little girl I'm guessing she was around two, and me with a small baby bump. The doctor told me I had lost the baby...)

I can't bring myself to tell Niall about it, I felt tears slide down my face and Niall had a worried look on his face. He sat beside me and rubbed circles on my back, trying to comfert me I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly as I could with the baby bump in the way. I felt relief when the baby kicked me during the hug, I pulled back because it actually hurt like hell, I put my hand on my belly and rubbed where he or she just kicked me.

"Are you okay, you seem sad this morning?" Niall asked his blue eyes filled with sarrow for me being sad, I kissed his lips lightly and smiled.

"Yes it's just this little bugger can kick, and it hurt like hell!" I said but wispered the 'hell' part, and laughed. Niall smiled and rubbed the baby bump, "I'm about to starve lets go eat." I got out of bed and walked to Grace's room to wake her up as Niall went down to cook me some food.

I walked into Grace's room but a sharp pain cought me off gaurd and I fell, Grace sat up and ran over to me. The pain was killing me, I couldn't speak the pain was so bad.

"Niall, Max! Get in here now Emma fell!" she screamed and tears started to fall, when Niall and Max got in here the pain had gone away.

"Emma! What happened?" Niall asked as Max comferted Grace.

I finally choked out words, "Call 911, something isn't right, then call the rest of the guys and tell them what's going on. I think I'm going into early labber, it's to early and the doctors have to stop it!" I stated as Niall grabbed his cell and wasted no time, 911 responded quickly putting me in the car and giving me oxygen to make sure I didn't pass out from the pain. Niall held my hand the whole time, the look on his face was pain, worry, and sarrow. We arrived at the hospilte and the put needles in me asked Niall questions, they put me in a room by myself until they got the labber to stop. The pain went away and the doctor was checking the charts and takeing test to see what was going on.

**Ella's POV**

Me and Harry were at breakfast with Zayn, Perrie, Dani, and Liam. Louis and El were sleeping in, we were all laughing at Zayn because the little old lady at the table beside us was blowing him kisses and stuff. My phone went off and it was Niall, "Hello." I answered, Niall sounded worried and I coudn't understand him.

"What? Niall calm down what's going on?" everyone looked over at me and stoped laughing.

"Emma's at the ER, she collapsed..." and with him I droped the phone and burst into tears, Harry handed the phone to Liam and he pulled me close as I sobbed into his shirt. This can't be happening, this just can't be. The baby and Emma are going to be fine, I know it. They have to be.

**Liam's POV**

  Niall was telling me what was going on and I felt sarrow go all over me, I looked at the others and grabbed the keys walking to the car and hanging up after Niall had to go. We all got to the van and Ella was still under Harry's arm and we were all quite Dani and Perrie started to cry and then it was up to me, Harry, and Zayn to comfert them and call El and Louis telling them the news. We had to go pick up Grace from Niall and Emma's.

The girls went inside to get Grace and I called Lou."Hey Lou, I have bad news!" I hate starting that sentence.

"What happened?"

"Emma's at the ER, we all need to be there to see what's going on. Niall's a mess, and so are the rest of us. All I know is she collapsed and something was going on with the baby."

"Okay we'll be right there, this can't be happening!" and with that he hung up, I can only imagine El's face right now.

The girls all got in and Grace was as stiff as a statue. I looked at her and sighed, "Grace, Emma's strong she'll be okay and so will the baby." I stated as she hugged me, she nodded, I rubbed her back as Dani had tears running down her face, she turned so Grace wouldn't see.

We arrived at the ER and meet Louis and El, who had tears running down her face as well. Niall walked over to us when he saw us, he was a mess, he pulled Grace in for a hug and Max was sitting in the waiting area. 

**Emma's POV**

The Niall came in the room and the doctor followed, Niall grabbed my hand and sqeezed it he is as scared as I am. The doctor looked at me, "Emma, the baby is fine and so are you. The pain was caused because your watter almost broke, if you didn't get here when you did we couldn't have stoped the baby from comeing four months early. Now you can go home but you have to stay at least tonight here and you have to wear this all day every day until we decide the baby can come at any moment and be heathy. Okay?" the doctor showed me a pump with a needle at the end of the tube.

"But the baby is okay?" I asked.

"Yes." the doctor responded. "And if you feel like it your friends can come two at a time back here." he added walking out the door. I looked at Niall and he smiled and nodded, I guess he knew what I was going to ask. A few seconds later Max, and Grace walked in and sat on the foot of the bed. Grace had tears in her eyes.

"Is the baby and you going to be okay?" she asked me I held out my arms for her to hug me and she did, when she pulled away the baby kicked and she smiled. "Was that the baby?" I nodded.

"Yes, see he or she is fine, and I'm better to now okay, dont cry. And tell the other retards to get their butts in her Max." I stated with a smiled,

"The Doc-"

I cut him off "I don't care what the doctor says they are family too." and he nodded and went to get them.

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