me: how ukno it's mine?

her: I did a DNA test and it matches ur DNA. I used your hair from ur brush at mines.

me: oh that's where I left it . aww. ur having my baby come here.

I put my arms out and she looked at me.

her: even though it's yours I ain't keeping it , we're not together and it's too early to have a baby...

me: R u insane. ur having my baby. and no one told u to end it with me. u kno for well that we strongly still love each other.

chanel: yeahhh butt. I can't go back.
me: why? why's it so hard. what did I do?
chanel: b it's not you it's me. I just can't.
she was walking away.
me: chanel please.

she carried on walking. I got up and stopped her from leaving I stood directly in front of her. I felt her warm breath on my lower neck. I looked down at her. I couldn't stop my self . I kissed her she connected with me. we were now lipsing. we was going Maud upp then she pulled away.
chanel: later I'm leaving.

I watched her go.....

chanel's pov;

part of me really really wants this . the other part is just saying no.  everything is maud up right now I walked pass the office I saw the headmistress. I kinda like her I walked pass her toward the school gate.
headmistress: excuse me , where r u going
me: dw
headmistress: was u given permission to leave the school premises?
me: yes.
I turned around. cos I clocked she wasn't going to stop talking I carried on walking.
headmistress: by whom?
me: Meee.
I shouted as I opened the gate using the code. yes hella people knew it. they've changed it about 10 times but someone always finds out and it spreads around the whole school.

I left and walked to the Jamaican shop. I want patty and some festival. and Guinness punch.

when I got there that's what I ordered but I got two beef cheese pattys instead. tbh idk what to do so I headed home yamming off my patty.

when I approached home I noticed that the front room window was open. strange cause mum's not ment to be at yard till 6. anyway I got my key out etc. as I was walking towards the staircase I said hi to mum. then I took one glance in the frontroom. I had to take a few steps back. there was a boy in there. my exact complexion. has the same kind of hair as me but it's not as long as mine. it was in single plaits.  neither of them noticed me there so I cleared my throat they both looked at me.
me:so erm whose this?

I couldn't help but stare at him he looks just like me. buff boy version. I'm actually scared of what my mum's going to say to me.

mum:this is Darnel. your twin.

I knew it but I can't believe it. I dropped my bag and chocked on my patty. rahhhtiddddd. I ain't ready at all.

me:one fucker of a mother

Darnel:what? you told her that dads dead , I've been living with him all this time.


I'm soooooooo pissed . I just walked out. picked up my bags  and stormed off to my room. I took the rest of my hair out of my pony tail making it drop to my hips. I put my phone in my speaker and put it on shuffle .
-mirrors by jhene aiko started playing.

now shakai started flooding back into my memory. shit but fuck ih. my life is just going down hill .

__________chapter7#part 2_______________

I took my uniform off and hanged up my skirt jumper blazer and tie and put my shirt in my wash basket. I put on a white vest top with my white shorts burberry 2piece)  and left my hair out. I was on my phone then got a ft call from jay... who's that ?oh yh the yute I met in croydon I answered it and he looked buffff.

it's a mess!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon