"Just kill yourself. You'll be happier."

He decided to listen to that voice. He walked over to the bathroom, but then felt something pull him back. "What the hell! Stop!"

"Its me. Laura."

"Ross. Wake up already. Its time to see the doctor." Linger called. Ross' eyes opened, and finds Linger on top of him, staring at him. "I-I-I.."

"Just get up already." She whined, getting off of him. He was speechless. He got up with no emotion, and walked to the bathroom, and Linger coming along with him.

"What?" He asked. "Gotta make sure you don't do anything foolish." She said. He sighs and nods, and began to brush his teeth.

What a night.


Kellumoreth stared at the wall. "Kelly. Breakfast is ready." She heard her foster brother call. "Wait, what the hell are you doing? Masturbating?"

"Oh yeah, definitely, cause it feels sooo good." She said sarcastically. "Gee, someones in a bad mood.." He said, and left the room. She sighed. Why couldn't she just have a normal family? Where was her real mom and dad? She got up from her bed, and walked out. "Kelly, jou kos is op die tafel. Sit asseblief." (Kelly, your food is on the table. Sit please.) Ms Sandra said. Kelly nods and sits at the table, in front of her annoying foster brother. She missed Autumn. She wondered about him. She wondered how is he doing. She thought, wait a minute. Is he dead or something?

"Someones in love." He said. "Cleve, I told you to leave me alone." She blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, so you are in love."

"Oh please, stop getting in my business you fag." She said. Did she mention he was gay? 

"Shut up and tell me shit. Your in love aren't you?" He winked. She blushed. "No i'm not in love. He's just my friend in need of love, someone to care for, and he is endanger, and I love-"

Cleve looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"I like Autumn?"

"No. You loooove Autumn!" He said. "What? Shut up! I can't say I'm love." She said. He arched an eye brow. "But I know I've never felt like this..." She whispered. "You don't know what love is? I wish they can teach chemistry to 4 year olds." He said. She rolled her eyes. Typical Cleve.


"You are definitely Under weight." The doctor said. Linger sighed. The doctor couldn't see her though. Only if she put on some clothes over her real clothes. She put a doctors lab coat, making her look visible. "I'm here with him. How is he?" She asked. "Not very well. He's underweight, he is bipolar, he has anxiety, He has a nightmare disorder, he's suicidal, he's lost a lot of blood, at a risk of cancer, and has schizophrenia."

Schizophrenia:  A brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. (Further information in the beginning of the chapter.)

Nightmare disorder: Also known as 'dream anxiety disorder', is a characterized by frequent . The nightmares, which often portray the individual in a situation that jeopardizes their life or personal safety, usually occur during the second half of the sleeping process, called the . Though such nightmares occur within many people, those with nightmare disorder experience them with a greater frequency. The disorder's number is 307.47.

"How can I help him?" She asked. "Well... He should take these pills for the schizophrenia. But that's all I have for him. But please. He needs to eat more. Like, A LOT. Take away all blades, hide knives from him, and take away all the pills in the bathroom in case he wants to kill himself with pills, (Well except the one they have right now) lock all windows, and make sure he is visiting his therapist frequently- in fact, i'll send her the new schedule, and please Ross." The doctor looked over at him. 

"You have a reason to live."


Laura sighed. "Used used used-- oh! Perfect!" She said, looking at a short black tight dress. She didn't remember anything from the night before. She only knows she was fingered and tongue fucked, and it felt good. She was off to get drunk again, to keep her mind off Ross. It made her cry, knowing he's not here. She pretended he was just normally on the couch asleep, or at the kitchen, eating a pop tart. She wore her her hair big and wavy. Like the shape of an Afro, but wavy and curly. A beachy style. She was of to the club already.

Once she arrived, she sat at the bar. Mike was there. "You work at the club now?"

"Yup." He said. "Oh. Wow." She said. "So um.. give me the strongest one you got."

"You sure? This gives a raging headache for 3 days." He said, raising his eye brows. "Fuck it. Just give it to me." She said. He sighed and nodded. He pours her a full cup, and once its down, she chugs the whole thing down, already feeling chemicals and alcohol run through her veins. "More." She put the cup down. He sighed and picked up the cup, and she sadly laid her head on the table, trying to drown her feelings. "I wish feelings we're like poo. They go in, and they go straight out." She sighed, and he put the cup down in front of her.


Linger carried the pill in her hands as they walked home. She read the name of the pill.

"Olanzapine." She read out loud. (That's an actual treatment.) He sighed. "I can't believe I agreed to star in this book." Linger mumbled. 

And no. You didn't hear that. 

"What?" Ross asked, not really hearing what she said.

"Nothing." Linger said. Luckily I didn't spoil the ending. Linger said in her mind.

Yes, I know how much you love to spoil things.

"I can hold it in okay? I've been holding the secrets in since Missing from the picture! I'm sure I can hold it in!" She protested.


But anyways, that's about it folks!



Yes, you do. Now shut up!

Anyways, sorry for the interruptions. The characters are bugging me. Except Ross.. And Kelly, and other people...

"I think the readers want to know the ending already." Linger said.

Oh shut up already! 

"Well sorry. I'm gonna spoil it In the ending-"


Sorry! But anyways, Comment:

Love: If you think Laura will be fucking somebody anytime soon? (Cough cough. Uhh)

You: If you think I'm gonna be mean and kill the characters.

"That's not part of the plan!"

Well sorry!! Now shut the fuck up before I delete your character from the damn book!

Candy: If you think Ross will be having a sleep attacks any time soon (Poor Ross)

Double U: If you think someone will be guest starring in this book? (Ooooooh...)

"Its definitely not-")

You know what, Linger, I'm about to put you on mute. Your supposed to be wise!

"Not really."

Fuck it.



Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ