Her face cracked into a wide smile. "So he's not the bad boy the media makes him seem like?"

Another question I wasn't prepared for. "Whatever the media says about anyone is never the whole truth. Harry is nothing but perfect to me."

"That is very sweet. I hope you recover quickly!" The nurse gave me a last smile before she left me alone in the room.

As soon as the door closed, it opened again to reveal Harry. He was pushing a wheelchair. He gave me a teasing smile and stopped it just in front of me. "Your chariot awaits."

"Very funny," I laughed at his words.

"You look much better out of a hospital gown." His eyes traced up and down me. I felt uncomfortable. It was hard to remember that I should be okay with him looking at me because he was my boyfriend. "What's with the look?"

"It's silly," I shook my head.

"Tell me," he urged.

"I just don't recognize these clothes as mine."

He didn't understand initially, but then he gave a soft smile. "You bought those a month or so ago. You wouldn't remember buying them."

"Ah," I nodded.

After a short debate about whether or not I had to be wheeled to the car, I reluctantly sat in the wheelchair. Harry walk around the room gathering my belongings. He took a phone charger from the wall and picked up the newspaper he had been reading. He stowed his laptop in the bag that he had brought. He also took a dress and pair of heels from a plastic bag that was in the corner of the room. They must have been the clothes I arrived at the hospital in.

"All set?" He stepped behind the wheelchair and turned me toward the door.


He wheeled me into the hallway where nurses waved to us. I couldn't help but think they were probably waving at Harry more than me. My doctor gave a nod as we passed him too. He wished me well and reminded me to call if I had any concerns.

Harry took me down what appeared to be an abandoned hallway. At the end, there was a door to the outside of the hospital. A security guard working at the hospital was waiting and opened the door for us. A black SUV was parked just a short distance from the door. Harry took his keys from his pocket and unlocked the car. He opened the passenger door and turned to help me out of the wheelchair. I took his outstretched hand and pulled myself to a standing position. He supported my back as I climbed in and sat down. I pulled the seatbelt across me as I watched him return the wheelchair to the security guard and shake his hand. Then Harry put the bag in the backseat of the SUV and walk around the front of the car to the driver's seat. He got in beside me and started the car.

"Ready to go home?" he asked.

Home? Where was home? Last I remembered, I had a flat in London. I didn't know where Harry lived. "Whose home?"

Harry swallowed and bit his lip before looking over at me. "You'll have to be patient with me. I keep assuming you remember things that you really don't. I thought I would take you back to my house away from the city. There won't be so many photographers or fans to bother you while you're recovering. If you'd rather, I could take you to your place in the city, but I don't want to draw attention to us by staying there with you."

I nodded at his words. "So you're planning on staying with me?"

He smiled a little. "I know you don't have much memory of this, but I am your boyfriend. I don't think it's very good of a boyfriend to leave his girlfriend alone when she's in such poor condition."

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