Welcome To Your New Family

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Splinter was exploring the sewer tunnels with his 4, 3 year old sons and soon the 5 of them all heard a cry and the four boys looked up to their father.

"stay here my sons, Leonardo your in charge while I am gone" Splinter spoke

"Yes Father" Leo replied 

Splinter walked down the tunnel and spotted a basket, Splinter walked to the basket and saw a moving pick blanket, Splinter moved the blanket to find a a face of a crying babygirl who didn't look a even a day old, Splinter kept the pink blanket wrapped around the baby as he picked her up she stopped crying instantly and he held her in his arms and he smiled.

"I am your father now, i'll show you to your big brothers" Splinter spoke softly 

Splinter then walked back to his sons and when his sons spotted him they instantly noticed the pink blanket in his arms.

"what's that?" The youngest Son Mikey asked

"this is your new baby sister" Splinter stated as he went down to his sons height to show him their baby sister

"awwww she's soo cute" Mikey awwed 

"she's adorable!" Donnie smiled his gap tooth smiled

"she's the cutest baby ever!" Leo stated

"she's alright" Raph shrugged 

Leo hit Raph at the back of his head and Raph growled at his older brother


"be nice" Leo commanded 

"Father what's her name?" Donnie asked

"hmmm, I haven't figured that out yet" Splinter replied

"OH!! I know! How about we name her Pancake" Mikey exclaimed

"umm a real name not a food name" Leo spoke

"awww" Mikey pouted

"how about Y/n?" Raph asked with a shrugged 

Everyone looked at him in shocked

"okay!" Leo, Mikey and Donnie agreed as Splinter just nodded 

You giggled an adorable baby giggle, and Mikey, Donnie and Leo smiled hearing your giggle and Raph slightly smiled as he tried to keep on his tough guy act. 

"Let's go home my sons" Splinter spoke

The four boys nodded and the five of them walk to the lair with their new baby sister and daughter.

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