Chapter 21 - Feels like Forever

Start from the beginning

“Sorry, Mike. You’re not my type! Ben is!” She smiled wistfully at the thought of Ben.

“You hangin’ in okay?” Concern was awash on Sonya’s features as she looked at her twin.

“Yeah. Ben called a little while ago. They made it safely, which is an irony to me. Safely landed in a war zone. Hey, you might wanna order more pizza, Mike. You won’t like what I got.”

“Maybe I will; What’dja get?” Mike looked hopeful.

“Spinach and onions! Nobody to kiss, so I have no worries about my breath.” She laughed bitterly.

“Nope. You’re right. I need to order more!” He said, punching in the website on his iPhone.

“So, now that recordings over, and wedding’s done, what are y’all doin’?”

“Mostly, Mike’s just working. I’m waiting to hear back from the local hospitals about working, and may even start looking into doctor’s offices. I miss Doc, but being with Mike is way more fun.” Sonya winked. “Just wait until you and Ben are married. You’ll find even more reasons to be around him.”

“I already do! I miss him so much right now.”

“I know you do, sissy. Come here.” Sonya put arms around Saryah.

“I’m okay. I’ve talked to him. I also talked to other wives and some girlfriends. They gave great advice.” She smiled as she pulled out of her sister’s comforting embrace.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” She asked, sitting on the couch.

“Crazy stuff like: Don’t watch the news. Don’t count down the days. Stay busy. That won’t be hard. Work is insane most days. It’s the nights I dread. Even though he went home, just having him here to snuggle while we watched a movie filled the nights. So, we have a wedding to plan. YAY! I guess that’s what I’ll do. I started the “list of stuff I want” today. Suddenly eloping is looking like a viable option!” Saryah laughed as she answered the door and took her pizza. She paid the delivery lady and headed straight to the kitchen.

“I can’t say eloping didn’t cross our minds a time or six.” Mike, who had thus far been rather quiet through the sisterly conversation, put his own opinion in. “But, as long as we got married, I was good either way.”

“Hey, I can tell you, Mom was so glad to walk Sonya down the aisle. And, what woman doesn’t want her ‘dream wedding’?” She used air quotation marks to prove a point.

A sound on the computer interrupted the innocuous conversation. She went to see what it was. “OH! It’s Ben. Okay, guys, I’m gonna talk to him for a few. Make yourselves comfy, but not too comfy! Newlyweds!” Saryah exclaimed as they kissed each other during her exit to the bedroom.

“Hey! I just talked to you! You already have time to video chat?”

“Yup, but not for long. There’s a long line waiting to do this!” He blew her a kiss. She “caught” it and blew it back. “So, don’t get too excited, but we might not be gone very long at all.”

“Can you tell me how long ‘not very long at all’ is?”

“Nope! I can’t. But, as it gets closer, you’ll know. Don’t forget to stay in touch with Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Bledsoe, and Gina Foster. They’ll keep you informed, and make this go so much faster.”

“Yeah, they invited me to the “Readiness Group” dinner next week. I might make it if my job lets me go on time. Honestly, I’ve heard horror stories and don’t want to be where everyone’s in my business.” She groaned.

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