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Dear journal,

The date went surprising well. I was definitely expecting something terrible to happen. Honestly, the worst thing that happened to either of us is Allison got really spicy curry and drank four glasses of water. It was hilarious. She also gave me her number so we could text instead of emailing, since she just now got a phone. After dinner, we went to the movies. And after that, we went over to her place and hung out. I finally got to meet her parents, which had never happened before because they were always traveling, so that was interesting. They were all like, "Hi Alex. We've heard a lot about you." In other news, I'm having all my friends over for a sleepover tomorrow night. We're gonna watch scary movies and eat so much sugar that we are bouncing off the walls and stay up until, like, six in the morning!!! I swear, when we are together, we become ten year olds. That's how weird and spazzy we get. I get the feeling that during the scary movies, I'm gonna be clinging to Allison for dear life. I am terrified by scary movies. Anyway, that's all for today.

Signing off, Alex

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