"Come on let's go Jean is waiting on us"

Chris took my hand and led me to the cabin, still following the trail of lights that shone bright in the dark night. We soon got into the small cabin and straight away there was a table for two with a white cloth draped on top and red petals delicately sprinkled around the table. Next to it you could see the kitchen which was open so that Chris and I could see the chefs cook. Now that I think about it, it wasn't really a restaurant, more like a getaway cabin.

"Wow Chris you really went all out" I said as we approached the table, "I would've been fine at the downtown pizzeria" Chris chuckled and pulled my chair back so I could sit down. He went around to his side and loosened a few of his top buttons before sitting down too. I couldn't help but stare at his intricate chest tattoos peaking through.

"I know. I just wanted to show you something different, something special" he picked up his wine glass and glanced at me. I took that as an indication to pick mine up too.

"Do you want to make a toast?" Chris asked with a smirk. I shrugged and looked around the room.

"Toast to uh, our first date I guess. And your Dad's excellent taste in room decor"

We clinked our glasses together and soon after Jean came with our food.

"I took the liberty to order you something off the menu" I looked at the food that Jean had placed in front of Chris and I and my mouth instantly started to water.

"Mmm, what is it?" I questioned as the smell of seasoning instantly filled my nose and took over all my senses.

"It's roast duck in a red wine sauce" I smirked and picked up my fork taking a bite.

"Oh my god, this is the best thing I've ever tasting in my life"

"I bet, I organised the menu for tonight" he said as I raised my eyebrow.

"Really? Do you like own this place or something" I asked stunned as I looked around. I don't know Chris that much but I do know him enough to know that this place kinda surpasses his taste.

"Well my father found it and he and my mother owned it until it was passed to me. I haven't had the chance to show anyone this and actually sit down and eat here myself because of work and well I didn't have anyone to bring" he explained. Now I know he has a little girlfriend or some groupie that claims they date. I'm well aware of the groupies which is why I won't let anything go further between Chris and I until I'm sure they're completely out the picture.

Chris and I ate and finished and soon we were just drinking and having a small conversation. I didn't want it to be like our last encountering which is why I took it easy on the wine.

"Speaking of work, I know you're shooting a video soon" I said as Chris nodded.

"I just need someone with the skill to help me" he raised his eyebrow and looked me up and down. It was obvious that he wanted me to do it but I just need to sort my own job.

"Yeah, I'll have to ask Linda if I could take the week off work. She'll probably understand, hell I might even just quit" I blurted as Chris furrowed his eyebrows.

"Now why would you do that, I thought you loved photography" he asked genuinely concerned.

"Yeah I adore it its just, my job doesn't allow me to explore all my technical abilities. I like the abstract side of photography and I find the disorganisation of a photo uncannily perfect" I said as Chris stared at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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