She didn't tell us by what she meant when she said "not anymore" but we trusted that she would share more on the matter when the timing felt right.

With this new information, the girls and I have been trying to get Y/N back in touch with her humanity. So we joke around with her and try to make her feel as normal as possible.

I shifted my gaze towards Lauren and I noticed the way the green eyed girl was staring at Y/N.

Admiration was evident in her emerald orbs and a firery passion that I could only describe as love radiated off of her.

I smiled softly and knew that if anyone could get Y/N's heart to start beating again, it would be this determined green eyed godess.

Lauren's POV

Its finally come. The dreaded day.

The girls and I stood baskstage of the concert and poked our heads through the curtain to see the audience.

My nerves were going insane and they wouldn't let me stay still. I would constantly move in place or fidget with my fingers.

Compared to our previous
crowds, this one wasn't as numerous since the capacity level of the theater wasn't as high.

I was frightened that this would be our last performance. That this was going to be my last chance to see the world. The last time I would see Y/N.

My thoughts wondered off to what the bionic could possiblely be doing at this moment. Was she safe?


I haven't seen the girls in a few hours because I was working with the security personnel to make sure no weapons got into the arena. People always have ways of going past security and bringing in weapons but, with me, there was a zero percent success rate.

I kept my body on high alert and accessed most of my abilities on overdrive. Today nothing could possibly go wrong. And no one was going to hurt my objectives who became my friends.

I felt my body become cold. Something was wrong.

It was the girls' final song and I could feel the bass vibrating on the walls. My mind was going through all the possibilities as to why I could be feeling this way.

If it wasn't anyone in the crowd, what are the possible choices?

Normani's POV

As the the final beats of the song ended, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
I turned my head to look at Dinah and she had watery eyes while shaking her head in relief.

We made it through the day.

As we said goodnight to the Harmonizers, the anxiety we felt was non existent.

Camila raised her hands and collapsed on her knees.

"It's over! Y/N must have gotten rid of the other assassins."

Lauren was oddly quiet.

Ally beat me to the question.

"Lauren why aren't you happy? We're safe! She did it."
I smiled and agreed with the ball of sunshine and the rest of the girls.

The green eyed beauty however, just shook her head unconvinced. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern and concentration.

"I-I don't know guys. I just have this feeling that it's just beginning."

Lauren's POV

The more the girls said it was over, the more it felt wrong. As if wasn't true.

We made our way towards our dressing room and the sight before me made my skin crawl. I couldn't help myself as a scream erupted from my throat. The girls just stood in tears and shock.

Your POV

As I was roaming around, my nose was met with the distinct smell of blood. I made my way backstage right when I heard a scream. Lauren.

It couldn't be the girl's blood because I was monitoring their vitals.Right now all I felt coming from their bodies was shock, sadness, and fright.

I was by their side in a matter of seconds, and I saw exactly what caused them to scream. And although I didn't feel any sorrow or melancholy, I understood their reactions.

Their make up artist was brutally murdered by scissors lodged into her chest and multiple stab wounds throughout her youthful body.

The most chilling part was the note on the mirror that was created by the artist's fresh blood.

I read the note to myself and I couldn't help to feel furious the further I got into it.

"We know about your little secret Y/N. You can thank the coward of a man who decided to save his own skin. Watch out, we're always two steps ahead. See you soon ladies."

We didn't a signature to know who sent the message. It was obviously "The Ruthless" and his evil minions.

My blood was boiling with an intense anger.

Simon betrayed us.

Mr. Cowell's past self is still the worthless spineless bastard he told me stories about.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair in mild frustration.

I looked back at the girls and saw their worried eyes fixated on the bloody mirror.

Those assholes are going to pay.


Hey guys! Here's another chapter, hope you enjoyed it. But seriously tell me if you think otherwise! Or tell me if you liked it! I love getting feedback. Anyways, who else is pissed off at Simon? Because I know I am. Remember to comment and vote!


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