"We may have complained but we never questioned him, we wouldn't be the musicians and singers we are today without him, my daddy IS music. He knows it better than any person in the world, put him up against a world renown pianist and my daddy would have him crying and running to his mama because he's just that good. Give him the best vocal trainer or music teacher and he'd be the one teaching them. He does it all piano, bass, guitar, drums, vocal training and he's the best at it."

"So when I try to help trust me I know what I'm talking about, I know what sounds good and when something doesn't. I know it's frustrating as hell but it's a process and if you don't this many takes you're not a real singer because this shit takes time, even the best of the best make mistakes and they have people advising them. Let me help" she walked up to me and placed her hand on my chest and looked up at me.

"Learn me some" I nodded and she smiled

"Okay anyone every told you that you sound nasally?" She questioned and I nodded

"It's because you're not singing from your diaphragm. Stand with your feet shoulders width apart and place your hands ontop of each other on your stomach" she showed me and I did.

"Knuck play a little bit of that back" She yelled and he did. "Okay you can stop it" she looked at me

"Breath in through your nose and let the air make its way to your diaphragm let it fill like a balloon you should feel it expand." She explained

"We're going to breathe in for 6 and out for 8 and make the sssssssss noise as you breathe out" she instructed

"Okay" I responded

"Okay in" we both took a deep breath in for 6 counts

"Out" we pushed the breath out creating the ssssss for 8

"You felt you're stomach expand and did your hands move in and out" she asked

"Yea" I nodded

"Okay when you do this take do that put that exercise to use, stand just like that and sing from your diaphragm" she pointed at me and walked out

I placed the earphones on my ear and Knuck played the music

It's 10:10 (10:10) , where you been?

(where you been)

Did you get my message? (Get my message)

(Your expressions is telling me that you've been thinkin' the same thang)

The same thang (same thang)

I've been thinkin' ( I've been thinkin)

You say you're working (say you're working)

Well hit me just as soon as your shift, is over (over)

And I'll be waiting cause I can't sleep (can't sleep)

For reminiscing, reminiscing about you (bout you)

And what we do (what we do)

In Love With The Preacher's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now