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👆🏼 Brittany & Tryone's House Is Above & It's Components 👆🏼 ~ Includes Son's Room, Master Bedroom, Kitchen, Living Room, & Master Bathroom

P.O.V Trinity
"Hey Marques I'm home" I said coming through the door with my shopping bags in my hand. It was close to 11:00pm since the mall closes at 10. I know it was kind of late to get home but I needed some me time and shopping was it. I walked to his room and sat my bags in my closet then shut the door. I looked around the whole room and Marques was no where to be found. "Marques I know yo ass is in here yo car is in the driveway" I said laughing walking around then stopping in the living room. He was sitting on the love seat with a lamp on and an almost empty bottle of Hennessy. At that very moment I knew he was drunk, now I have to choose my words carefully cause when he gets like this he's violent.  "So where were you" he said clenching his jaw. "I was at the mall Marques, I told you that before I left that I was going" I said crossing my arms. "So if you were at the mall why in the fuck when I called you, you didn't pick up" he said through his teeth. "I didn't want to be bothered so I left it here, I just had some me time. You can go check its on the dresser with all the missed messages and missed calls" I said starting to get a little irritated cause he always think a nigga doing something on the side. "Wtf you mean you didn't want to be bothered" he said getting up and coming to me. "Exactly what I mean. Damn Marques why you always assuming something" I said then turning around then he grabbed my wrist extra hard then swung me to the floor. "I ain't assuming shit cause I know yo ass is doing something you ain't supposed to be doing" he said coming to me and just started hitting me. I was not about to let his ass keep hitting me like this so I took it in me and started swing back. Some of my hits were connecting but they weren't as damaging. Next thing I knew he had me on the wall with his hand around my throat. "Mar...qu...es" I said in little breathes. He stopped a couple of seconds later and I just dropped to the floor gasping for air. "Get tf out of my house" he said then left out the living room. I slowly got to my feet, and walked to the room and made sure he wasn't in there. I hurried and packed a bag nothing big, I got my keys and purse then headed out to my car. I just sat there with my head on the steering wheel and just cried. It felt like my eye was swollen, my lip felt busted, and my body was sore. Everything just hurt. I got my phone out of my purse and decided to call Tiffany only she would understand. "Hello" he said sounding like she was doing something. "Hey Tiff Its Trin" I said wiping my tears. "Girl I know it's you caller ID duhh, but wassup you need something" she said. "Yeah could I stay with you for a couple of days. If you don't mind" I said. "I'm not home I'm at Rex's house" she said "But imma be here so yeah you can come he don't mind" she said. "Man don't be volunteering my house, now hang up so I can finish what I was doing" he said and I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll send you the address boo" she said then hung up. As soon as she hung up, she sent the address and I headed to the house. I put the address in my gps, and it said it was only 15 minutes away. I was glad that it wasn't that far because my body couldn't take it I felt so weak. I pulled up and parked next to her car. I got my bag out the back seat then locked my car up and walked to the front door. I knocked and hurried an put my shades on so she wouldn't see my eyes, and tried to hide my lips. She opened the door with her robe on "Hey baby girl" she said hugging me. I tried not to show that it hurt cause she was going to start asking what was wrong and I don't need her knowing yet. "Hey Tiff, what y'all little nasties doing back there" I said as she let me in. "Nothing girl. But why did you choose to come here" she asked as she walked me to the guest room. "Girl because I was out shopping and Ik if I would've went home Marques ass would've flipped so I'll let him calm down then call him in the morning and say I was with you" I said sitting on the bed then putting my bags down on the floor. "Girl don't get me in trouble" she said laughing "But look imma be in the room if you need anything ask me or if it's food find it yourself" she said blew a kiss, then shut the door quietly. I don't know how I'm going to tell her. The only reason why I came over here was because she would be the one to have my back and she knows how to deal with Marques ass better than anyone. I got up went to turn the tv on then to turn the lights off then got back in the bed. I cuddled myself under the covers and tried to get in the most comfortable position I could find but this shit was hurting like crazy. About 5 position changes later I found the right one then went to sleep.
I woke up with the worst headache that I've ever had. I forced myself out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. I splashed my face a couple of times then looked at myself in the mirror. My whole face looked puffy, my eyes was like a puffy red-purple, my bottom lip was 2x bigger than my top, and wherever the bruises were it was getting a bluish purple color. Minutes later I heard a knock on the door then it opened, I didn't even have time to hide. "Good Morni..." Tiffany said then stopping when she saw how I looked. "Tiffany please just listen" I said walking to her but she backed away like she was angry. Before I knew it she was out of the room, I saw her grab her keys and rushed out the door. I followed as fast as I could but she was moving to damn fast. I saw her get into her car and drive off. When I turned around Rex was right there looking down on me. "What happened to you" he asked as I held my head down. "I don't want to talk about it" I said walking slowly past him. "Where did she just go" he asked turning as I pasted him. "I have an idea" I thought to myself. I didn't reply to him, all I did was go back into the room shut the door locked it, and got back in the bed and wrapped myself in the covers and just cried.

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