My Bitches

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P.O.V Tiffany
I'm Tiffany Shields but people call me "Tiff" or "T💣". I'm 22 years old been in the strip game since high school. Im about 5'2, mixed with Black and Indian, I have medium light brown eyes, a nice big ass with medium sized tits, long brown hair that stops mid back, I'm currently single and I'm happy that I am. I'm really not looking for no man right now, I'm just trying to have fun and explore my options. I only have a closest friends by my side and that's Brittany, Trinity, & Destiny. I know it's weird that all of our names sound similar but I guess that's a good thing. I'm in college about to be on my junior year and an aspiring makeup artist (I Just Love Doing Makeup) "Better Beat Tf Outta That Face" 😂💀. I strip also because the money is great and shit it helps me pay for college stuff like books and shit like that. Maybe one day I'll stop and do what I really want to do.

P.O.V Brittany
I'm Brittany James but people call me "Brit" or "Bri" for short. I'm 21 years old, 5'1, shoulder length jet black hair, dark brown eyes, thick with d cup breasts, brownskin. I'm technically in a relationship but it's complicated me and my baby daddy are trying to work things out. Yes I said baby daddy, I have a 5 year old son his name is Antwon and I happened to get pregnant at 16. Don't ever say I'm not a good mother my son always comes first he my number one priority. I support for us to have nice things a roof over our head and everything else he desires. I strip but I go to school, I'm trying to become a physical therapist for football and basketball players. I do this so I can at least have something to back me up if I ever stop stripping. But hell who knows this life is good hasn't caused me any troubles yet plus the money is just fantastic.

P.O.V Trinity
I'm Trinity Williams but people call me "Trin" or "Infinity" I don't know why they call my ass that 😂. Probably because I have an infinite amount of personalities. I'm 21 years old, brown skin, about 5'3, skinny with a body, mixed with Black and Trinidadian, light brown eyes, black natural curly hair that stops to my shoulders but when flat ironed stops mid back. I'm a little tempered but still a sweetheart so don't get on my bad side. I am a stripper, this is what keeps me paid and it's fun as hell so I don't see nothing wrong with it. Ain't like I'm fucking everybody that come into the club, I really just be to myself or with my girl. Then plus I do hair on the side and I'm hella good at it to. I guess I'll have to see where things go.

P.O.V Destiny
I'm Destiny Lewis but people call me "De-De" or "Desto" for short. I'm 22 years old, real laid back and chill, I'm 5'4, mixed with Black and White, I'm thick as hell with some nice tits, I have long honey blonde curly hair, and with hazel eyes. I'm new to the strip game and honestly I'm good at it I be working tf outta that pole 😭. When I'm up there it's like everything fades away and it's just me and nobody else. I know this is not a profession but hell it'll do until I get out of fashion school.

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