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I checked my reflection once more to ensure my outfit was presentable. Light wash skinny jeans and a white and black striped v-neck tee shirt. May's parents were stricter than mine. They had precise rules and directions that May had to follow. Especially when it came to the way people presented themselves. I tried to show as little skin as possible around her parents. They weren't against shorts or dresses. It's just that I didn't want to feel judged on what I wore. Don't get me wrong, I love her parents like my own, but I'm glad mine aren't as strict. However, May did get good grades and was a golden child in the eyes of any parent. May did get in trouble from time to time for small things. Not doing her chores on time. Talking back to her parents. Sneaking out to meet a 'friend'. May seems innocent, but I know that she's not. 

May had been with a guy sophomore year, and she gave him her everything. Physically and emotionally. Only it wasn't good enough for him because after they slept together. He dumped her. All those months together were just tossed aside like nothing. Of course, no one besides me knows that. I was by her side through it all. May has been my best friend since sixth grade. To this day, neither one of us remembers how we became friends. We just are. And I'm grateful because she's like my other half, except her parents approve of her. Imagine that. I pull my hair in a high pony and then leave my room. 

"Where are you going?" Brandon asks. "To see May. Why? You scared I'm going to break the rules?" I ask sarcastically. "You do have a habit of doing that." He calls down the stairs. "Oh, bite me." I snap. May didn't live too far from my house. It was in perfect walking distance. It takes me about twenty minutes to get there. It would have only taken me five by car. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it. Thankfully, it's May. Unlucky for me, she tackles me into a hug. "Oh yes. Finally, another human." She exclaims. "You know we can hear you." Her mother calls from behind her. May steps aside as Heather walks to the door. "Savannah. What a lovely surprise. Come on in." She gestures towards me. I glance at May, and she nods. I walk inside, following Heather to the living room. "Hello, Everybody." I greet the familiar faces in the room. May's brothers Adam and Oliver, her dad Tom, and grandparents Jules and Henry. "Savannah." They greet me back. I smile at them. 

May grabs my hand, leading me to her bedroom. Once in the safety of her room, May locks the door. "I can't wait to break out of this house. Being cooped up is driving me insane." She slumps down on her bed. I sit on the bean bag chair. "Oh, I brought you something," I say. I grab the small sample bottle of vodka from my pocket and toss it to her. She catches it with both hands and then looks at it. "Yes." She opens the sample bottle, taking a small swig. "So, how is it living with Collins?" She asks, wiping her mouth. I shrug. "Sometimes I wanna punch him. Then other times there is something about him that makes me wanna...ugh...you know?" I ask. May laughs. "Yeah, I know. It's called you find him attractive." She said. I wave her off, laying my head back and looking at the ceiling. 

"How are things with Mason?" She asks. I shrug. "Good. I don't see him much during the day. That's why I can't wait for school to start Monday." I say. "Ugh, I can't believe those words came out of your mouth," May grumbles. "It's not bad. We get to see each other." I say. "Yeah, in one class. We don't even get to talk. And then lunch. We're with all those people. We can't talk." She complains. Man, I couldn't wait for her to get ungrounded. She whines too much. "Oh, I can't go to that party." May smiles apologetically at me. I lift my head, looking up at her. "Why?" I ask. "My mom said that if I help set up for this dinner party we're throwing, she would unground me." She explains. "And that's tonight?" I ask. "Sure is. I'm sorry, but I'll take ungrounding over a party any day." She winks. I roll my eyes but chuckle. I would do the same thing. "How's your brother doing?" She asks causally. 

May has a thing for my brother but is too scared to act on it. She doesn't realize that I know. I can see it in how she looks at him or talks about him. I don't remember when Brandon became May's crush, but I slowly noticed the change in her behavior around him. Suddenly, she became conscious of herself when he was around. "He's good, you should text him." I hint. "What? No. That's weird." May declines. "Why is that weird?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders, grabbing her phone from the bed and holding it in her hands. "I'll wait." She says after a moment of staring at it. I chuckle, rolling my eyes at her. "Oh, did I tell you that Regina is pregnant?" She asks. Her cousin? "Isn't she like 16?" I ask. May gives me a slight nod. "I find it pretty ironic, considering my aunt and uncle act like they're the best parents in the world." She says in distaste. I couldn't help but nod in agreement with her. 

I take this moment to look at her again. May has long, blonde, wavy hair that touches her shoulders. She has hazel-colored eyes that draw your attention, and she has a smile to match. We stand about the same height and weigh close to the same, so we share clothes a lot. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asks out of the blue. I nod in agreement. I climbed into May's bed while she got the TV around to start a movie. After an extensive debate, we both agree on Dirty Dancing. I mean, how does one not like dirty dancing? It has so many great qualities. Patrick Swayze...Patrick Swayze and Patrick Swayze. If I could marry one person, it would be him. He's my dream man. I could watch Dirty Dancing all night. May doesn't agree much with this movie. It may be because I cry during the finale scene every time we watch it. It's just so beautiful. 

After watching a handful of movies, I check the time on my phone. I practically spent the whole day hanging out with her. "I should probably go. The party started a while ago." I say. May nods. "Tell me all about it." She winks. I roll my eyes but nod. I say goodbye to her family and then walk to Melanie's house. As I expected, the party had already started and was in full swing. I've got to give it to Mel; she constantly throws the best parties.

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