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Rules. Something my mother thinks we are going to follow. You would think she knew her children better. Especially Brandon. Okay, so maybe that's not the entire truth. I did cause a lot of trouble for my parents. Most of the time, it was unintentional. "Savannah, are you listening to me? These rules mainly apply to you." My mother cuts in. I force a nod. It's not like I wouldn't say I liked to follow the rules because I did. Haha, I'm sorry, I can't even finish that sentence. In all reality, rules are hard to follow. For me, anyway. They are easily broken, like my mother's $200 vase. But that's beside the point. As far as my parents are concerned (especially my mother), I will follow the rules. 

There were seven of them. For starters, Rule 1. No boyfriends/girlfriends. If my mom believes I will follow this rule, she's gone mad. Like, come on now, I don't have a girlfriend. So she doesn't have to worry about that. Technically, Mason is a boy who, indeed, is a friend. So we're just friends with benefits. The benefit is that I can call him mine. I know it makes no sense, but that's all I have. Anyways, Rule 2. No parties. Okay, that rule will be easy to follow. I've never cared for parties, and Brandon will have to be stupid to throw one here with cooky Mrs. Debs across the street. 3. The house must stay clean at all times. Ugh, this one is going to be my death. I wouldn't say I liked doing my chores when my mother breathed down my neck. I'm sure as hell not going to have the motivation to do them when she isn't. 4. We must attend school regularly. Now I know for sure I'm not going to be able to keep this one. I love my sleep too much. Try to wake me up. I dare you. Rule 5. We must call our parents once a week to check in. This includes Collins. It must be nice for Collins to be a part of my family for two months. I'm still annoyed with the fact that he's here. And to make matters worse, my parents welcomed him with open arms. Literally! Brandon was bragging about it as if that earned him some brownie points. Woohoo! Good for Collins. Not that I'm bitter or anything, but it would be nice for my parents to get excited about seeing me once in a while. Besides the point, back to the stupid rules. Rule 6. No drinking. I look across the table to Brandon and Colton, raising my eyebrow. A stupid smirk appears on Colton's face. Man, I want to smack that smirk off his face. That rule won't be so hard for me to follow. I wouldn't say I liked drinking much anyway. Rule 7. No staying out past curfew. This rule almost makes me laugh out loud. I know it's nothing big, but we always stayed out past curfew, even when our parents were home. Brandon and I are both terrible with our time management. 

The rest of the "rules" were emergency contacts. Name of the hotel and city they were going to be staying in. My parents act like they are moving away and never coming back. If that's the case, I'm moving too. Because there is no way in hell I will survive with those two idiots across the table from me. I tap the table with my hands. "So this has been fun. The rules are fresh in my mind." I say, tapping on my head. My mother looks at me as I start to stand. "Where are you going?" My mother asks. "Upstairs," I answer. She nods and looks over at Colton, then back to me. "Show Colton to his room. You're father, and I want to speak with your brother." My mother said. 

I start to protest, but the look on my parent's faces tells me otherwise. I stomp my foot, then turn on my heel, heading for the stairs. "I like your ring," Colton comments. "Thanks," I mumble. "So what is the ring really for?" Colton asks. "Look, I won't start sharing every part of my life with you. So why don't we ignore each other for the next two months." I answer. I jump when my back hits the wall. "You know what I think?" He asks. "That you need a breath mint?" I remark, pushing him off of me. He laughs, letting me walk the rest of the way up the stairs. I turn down the right side of the hall. His room, sadly, was going to be next to mine. "It's not a purity ring, that's for sure." Colton mumbles. See what I mean? Ass. "Oh, and what makes you think that?" I ask. I turn to face him. My back against his bedroom door. "You think a ring is going to stop you from having sex." He said daringly. He steps closer to me. Damn him and his good looks. He rests his hand on the side of my head and smirks. "So what's it for, princess?" He whispers.

 I grimace, opening his bedroom door, which causes him to fall. I attempt to escape his way, but he falls into me. I land on the floor with a thud. "Get off of me, fat ass." I smack his shoulders. He laughs, letting the rest of his weight go. "You're comfy." He says, sitting up. He bounces on my stomach a few times. "You're going to make me throw up. And not because you're sitting on me but because you're nasty." I spit through my teeth. He laughs, looking down at me. "So feisty." He mocks me. I try to shove him off, but he doesn't budge. "Okay...so this is happening," Brandon's voice comes from the door. I can't see him, but Colton's look tells me Brandon is smiling.

"Okay, get off my sister before you make her a pancake," Brandon says, pushing Colton off me. I gasp for air as soon as he's off of me. Brandon rolls his eyes, helping me onto my feet. I shake off the non-existent germs that came off of Colton's butt. No matter how glorious that butt is, it's still a butt. "So what did lecture you about?" I ask. "How do you know they lectured him?" Colton's counters. I flip him off without looking away from Brandon. "Mainly about you not following the rules-" 

"Me? Seriously. Oh, come on. You two combined are more trouble than me." I protest. "Just try to follow the rules..." Brandon's pleads. Okay, where is my brother? What has this Brandon done with him? "Don't look at me like I'm an alien. You heard me. I want to tell Mom and Dad we can stay home alone for two months. That we don't need a babysitter." He adds. I roll my eyes, walking for the door. I stop facing Brandon. "What time are Mom and Dad leaving?" I ask. "In about an hour. Why?" Brandon asks. I shrug my shoulders and smile. "Savannah, what are you up to?" Brandon asks. I walk o to the hall. "Let me worry about it, Bro." I wink, walking into my room. I hear him call my name as I close the door. I wasn't going to tell him my plans. He would tell Mom and Dad or, worse, kill Mason for sneaking in. No, it's best to keep this one to myself.

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