Chapter 13

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Lily's POV

"Hurry up, we've got to get you on the bus. It will be here soon." Michael pestered from the other side of my door.

I groaned, "Give me a second, I need this video to upload onto-FINALLY!"

My brother had given me my camera the day before the first day of school and I skipped supper so I could make my first video right away and I needed to get it up as soon as possible.

I smiled, adding a thumbnail quickly then closing my laptop and walking out of my room copying the video link to a tweet.

I reluctantly took my backpack from Michael and slipped my phone inside, walking downstairs.

"Excited for your first day of school?" Luke chirped, meeting me at the bottom of the stairs with a water and granola bar. I stuck both in my backpack, ignoring his question and walking to the door.

"You'll be fine." Everyone practically said at the same time. I rolled my eyes, opening the door and walking outside towards the street ready to jump in a bus then out the window.

I'll be fine.

I continued to remind myself as I made my way to the street corner watching a bus pull in front of me.

I was the first stop, so basically the first person on the bus which meant I'd be the last to get dropped off at the end of the day.

I was the only person at this stop, oddly. Well, at least I thought I was the only person until some boy who looked much older than me came running towards the closing doors.

The driver opened them back up, letting him in. He walked down the isle, his eyes locked with mine as he walked pass me, sitting behind my seat...out of all the seats in the bus.

I pulled out my phone, aimlessly scrolling through Instagram as the bus took off.

"Hello," I heard the boy behind me. I turned my head to the side, locking my phone and putting it in my bag. He leaned over my seat.

"Hi?" I questioned.

"What grade you in?" He asked, moving over to my seat and sitting down.

"9th, you?"

"10th," he smiled. "I like your accent by the way."

"Uh, thanks. Like yours too. I-I just moved here, um, to America-"

"I know. Lily Clifford, am I right?" He smiled. I hesitantly nodded.

The bus stopped.

"See you around Lily Clifford. Oh and I'm Jace, by the way." He winked, then got yo as some kids came on and disappeared to the back of the bus. People glanced at me, no one sitting next to me until the stop closest to the school-yet still not very close to school.

A boy sat right next to me, he was cute, tall, sun kissed with crystal blue eyes and a cute outfit. Sadly, it was clear he wasn't straight.

"Hi new girl," He smiled.

"Ello, assumingly not new kid. Name?" I asked, feeling a bit confident next to this lad.

"Eric, yours?" He didn't talk like he was gay, maybe he's not...


"Clifford? How did I not know, you look just like Michael. Now tell me Lily Clifford, is Luke just as hot as he is on a screen in real life."

And the gay alarm goes of. Ding. Ding. Ding.

I laughed lightly, "I guess you'll have to hang out with me for a while and you'll be able to see."

"Interesting way of making friends, Lily Clifford." He smirked, "But okay. Grade?"

"9th, yours?"

"Ninth." He smiled.

"Then how'd you know I was new...?"

"Cali may be big, but I've gone to school with these kids most of my life. I could point out anyone." He smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder, "And I'll make sure to point out who not to hang out with."

I smiled and nodded.

"Did you get your schedule in the mail yesterday?" He asked. I nodded, putting my backpack on my legs and and pulling out my folded schedule from the front pocket. He grabbed it, taking out his as well.

"Every class together," Eric smiled, satisfied as he held our schedules side by side. "Looks like we'll have to stick together for a while, Lily Clifford."

I took my schedule back, putting it in my backpack. "You know, just Lily works."

"Okay, Just Lily. Whatever you'd like."

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