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After getting up to use the bathroom, I realized my siblings were finally home. i walk downstairs, just in my boxers, to see them. "Hey guys," I smile as I grab a water bottle.

Rocky and Ross smirk. "Someone's happy," Rydel pokes my stomach.

I shrug, slapping her hand away. "Is that a bad thing?" I question as I look at my brothers with an eyebrow cocked.

Delly shakes her head. "No, I suppose not. But rumor has it Ross walked in your room this morning and saw you and Vanni," she smirks.

I glare at Ross. "So what? My girlfriend slept over, big whoop," I scoff as I grab a pancake my sister made.

"The sheets were only on your guys' waist, bro. I saw her whole bare back," Ross pats my back.

I groan, rubbing my temples. "Just shut up, Ross. I swear, if you say anything to her I will kill you," I growl.

He puts his hands up if he were surrendering. "Buy me pizza tonight and you have a deal."

I just nod before making my way back to my room. I close the door before sitting next to Vanni. "Baby," I whisper as I rub her back. She hums in response, leaving her eyes closed. "I'm gonna go shower. Wanna come?"

She smiles, rolling onto her back with a smile. "Carry me," she whispers. I pick my shirt up off the floor, handing it to her.


"Riker!" Rocky screams from downstairs.

I sigh, spraying myself with cologne before walking downstairs. "Rocky, stop," Vanni whines as she reaches for her Starbucks drink.

I glare at my younger brother. "Really, Rocky? Give her the damn drink," I say agitatedly as I slide on my jacket. "We'll meet you there," I say as I slam the door behind Vanni and I.

"Hey," she stops me. "What's wrong, babe?" She moves my hair out of my face.

I shake my head lightly. "It's nothing," I whisper.

She raises an eyebrow at me, kissing me softly. "Now tell me," she says after she pulls away.

"Ross saw us this morning now they're all teasing me. I told them not to say anything to you because.." I trail off, shaking my head again.

"Because why, Rik?"

I look into her eyes, running a hand through my hair. "I don't know. I just don't want them making fun of you," I shrug.

She sighs, kissing my jaw line gently. "Riker, I'm a big girl. I could careless. I have dirt on all of them. They'd be too scared to say anything to me," she giggles.

"Wanna go out to dinner? We don't have to be there for another hour and a half," I suggest.

Savannah simply nods, taking my hand as we walk to the car. After a peaceful lunch, we had to meet the rest of the band at Wango Tango.

It All Started With a Whisper ||Rikvannah||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu