My boots scuffed against the sidewalk, much too loudly for my preference at the moment. The fear of being heard by whoever these people were caused me to soften my steps as best as I could, lifting my feet higher off the ground than I usually would. I was beyond frightened, still unaware of what was going on. I soon discovered that the voices belonged to multiple men, as they were far too deep to belong to any kind of woman. As the volume increased, so did the beating of my heart. It was clear that the argument wasn't going to end soon, as the volume just kept increasing.

I halted my walking, suddenly, as I came just before where it sounded like the people were. There was an alleyway a few feet in front of me, and I was almost positive that I would find the group located in it if I proceeded to walk any further. I was scared to keep going, worried that they would see me and get even angrier than they already seemed to be. I was shaking in my spot, too frozen with fear to get home.

Convincing myself that I would be fine if I just strolled by and didn't disturbed them, I managed to keep going.

"You owe me a thousand fucking dollars!"

A soft gasp escaped past my lips, my hands flying to cover my mouth. The sigh in front of me was sickening, causing my stomach to turn. Pinned up against one of the brick walls of the alley, was a man covered in bruises and blood.

"I told you that-that I don't have it right now. I can get it w-"

"I have given you plenty of time!"

I tried to get my feet to move away from the scene when I realized what was going on, but I was glued to the spot. There were four men tormenting a lone one, presumably trying to get money out of him. I didn't know why the man owed them so much money, but it wasn't hard to guess. I feared for him, and I also feared for myself as I still stood in place.

One hand remained over my mouth as my other dug around in my pocket, trying to find my phone. I tried my best to remain hidden behind the wall as I did so, keeping as quiet as possible. I didn't want to risk being seen if I were to leave, so instead I decided to stay put for as long as I could. I pressed the home button when I finally had my phone in my hand, and nothing but the low battery symbol popped up. It was dead.

"You don't have to do this, man. I'll give you the money as soon as I get it."

I peaked around the corner again, seeing the man struggling in a much more buff man's arms. He was off of the wall now, his back pressed against the guy's chest. Another gasp muffled against my hand as one of the other men sent his fist flying through the air, connecting it with the lone guy's jaw. The cracking sound it made was heard from where I stood, sending a chill through my a spine. The man groaned as he spat out blood, still trying to escape the grip on him.

"It's too late, dude. You had your chance," The man that had punched him replied. That line scared me, because I was almost certain of what was coming and I found myself wishing I hadn't been walking home that night to witness it.

"C'mon, man, I'll get you the money," The other one pleaded.

"Look, I'm sorry it has to be like this, but I wouldn't be as successful as I am of I let stuff like this slide. You knew that before you got mixed up in all of this."

"I won't let anyone know that this little encounter happened. I'll go get your money and have it back to you as soon as I can, I swear."

I was in a complete parallel universe after that, not being able to focus on anything else that was being said. All I could comprehend was the fight the broke out, the punches, the kicks, the yells. I was frozen in shock, I couldn't even run if I tried. I came back to it when I saw the metal object being pulled out from the aggressive man's pocket, getting aimed at the lone guy. The only sound I heard after that was the shot being fired. It was when the man's body fell to the ground in a heap that I was seen.

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