Chapter Three

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Hey guys! After 3 years of being Directioner4everbc, I have finally changed my username to ComplicatedStyles. Thoughts on the name?

*Not edited yet*

Bryn's POV

The very next day I had to force myself out of my bed. I was so tired and I felt really depressed every time I thought about the previous night. To be more accurate, I felt depressed all day, as I hadn't stopped thinking about it at all. I tried to blank the vision for my mind so hard, but I couldn't. I was scared that I would be next.

As promised, a police car drove through the streets around my house all night long, occasionally parking across the street for an hour or so. It kept me up most of the night because it was a constant reminder of what was happening to me. The whole time I was awake I was trying to convince myself not to be, reminding myself that the cops were just outside and they were making sure that I was safe in case those men came back. It was after three o'clock in the morning by the time I actually stressed myself to sleep.

I could hear my parents talking in hushed voices from my room as soon as we all went to bed. It was hard to make out what exactly they were saying, but I knew my mother was frightened and a bit shaken up. I supposed that it was hard for them to grasp that their daughter had witnessed a crime as sever as murder. I was worried that they blamed themselves for it because they went out for a date night and left me to walk home alone, but it wasn't their fault. If anything, it was my own.

I had to get up at twelve o'clock, regardless of how long I slept, because I was going to be looking for a bigger apartment than my previous one today. One months of living with my parents again was enough and I was more than ready to be on my own again. Once I managed to land an editing job, preferably for a magazine, I would be set for the next few years, and I could quit my job at the music store. It would be a fresh start, and that was exactly what I needed.

"Mom, my car won't be ready until tomorrow and I need to go downtown for a few hours."

My mother was in the kitchen with her back turned to me, facing the stove when I came down the stairs. She was stirring something in a pot while my dad was sitting at the island talking to her. The both looked at me when I entered.

"You can take the car, as long as you're back by seven. I'm going to Marcy's," She replied. Marcy was her closest friend and number one gossip buddy; all they ever did was talk about the other employees at their work and who was going to get fired next.

I rolled my eyes before responding with, "That shouldn't be a problem. I don't imagine I will be that long."

"Where are you even going?" My father asked, taking a bite out of an apple.

"I want to go look at apartments because I think it's time I move out again. I might meet up with Morgan or something, too," I told him, watching as he nodded his head.

"Be careful, Bryn," My mom warned, turning to face me. I knew that she was telling me that because she was paranoid about what happened. Her concern sparked a bit of fear inside of me, as well, but then I realized that detective O'Connor said the chances of them doing anything in the day time are slim. And, the odds of them finding me in the middle of New York were also slim. If I wasn't at home if they were to come after me, then they wouldn't know where to look.

"Mom, I know."

After saying goodbye to both of them and grabbing my purse and the car keys, I left. I was slightly nervous to go look for somewhere to live, mainly because I really wanted to find a place and if I didn't, I would be very discouraged. It would be unlikely for me to pick one in just one day, but I was hoping I could.

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