Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ignoring myself

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I sigh, resting my head on my knees.

I've been here for, what is it, an hour maybe? Whatever it is, I want to get out and get home.

I try to relay that message to Cayton. I know about the mind-link, and I try to use it. But, Ms. Thing inside my head said I can't because of these stupid silver wristbands. Silver to werewolves is like the equivalent of Superman and kryptonite. At least, that's what she said.

Still, with my hands knotted through my hair, I try my damndest to get through to Cayton, Bethany, someone to get me out of here before I have a panic attack or something. Man, I wonder if Bethany is somewhere in here too...

I stay like that for an indeterminable amount of time, without any success. All I succeed in doing is giving myself a headache. It's only when I hear voices coming this way that I pull myself back to the now.

Removing my iron grip from my hair and wrapping my arms around my legs, I pull them closer to my chest and rest my chin on my knees. I take a deep breath to try and calm myself, but I immediately regret it as the assortment of smells hit my nostrils. And that is when I start cursing whoever's bright idea it was to stick people with advanced senses in a place that smells like this.

"Guys, I think I'm getting rewarded for good behavior!" An excited, deep male voice reaches my ears, causing my head to jerk up as I look towards the entrance. Just behind the bars, I can see a group of guys, all wearing matching dirty white wife-beaters and gray pants, one in particular grinning like he just stumbled upon the Trix Rabbit leaving his cereal unguarded.

Great, now I'm hungry, I whine internally, my stomach agreeing with me.

"Not even close," I hear Donny grumble, unlocking and sliding open the bars. The other guys who were following this guy all curiously peer in, looking at me like I'm some foreign species, and then whining with things along the lines of "Neil you lucky bastard."

Once who I assume is Neil is inside and the bars are locked again, Donny goes to unlock more doors, and I silently throw daggers at his back with my eyes. Then, I look towards Neil who is almost bouncing with joy. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not here to be a reward," I deadpan. "So get that thought out of your mind right now or I'll choke you."

I would like to take credit for that random threat, but I can safely say that my mind isn't the driving force behind those words. I realize one thing in that moment—that annoying voice inside my head may not be able to take over physically, but she sure as hell can control my thoughts and words.

But yea, if he does come near me, I'll probably choke him.

His expression falters for a second, before it's recovered with some twisted smirk. "Save that for round three," he says. "And anyways, you're in my bed, so you're not exactly helping your case."

I narrow my eyes at him and make a show of wrapping the itchy blanket around myself tightly and lying down on the thin mattress. "I'm not moving. You get the bottom bunk."

"Oh, so you like to be on top huh?"

I don't offer that a response as I flip to face the wall. As if this circumstance couldn't get any better, now I'm stuck with some perverted man in this tiny cell. God help me. "Give it time little lady. You'll give in," he says. I scoff, rolling my eyes as I do so.

"So... Why are you here then?" he asks a moment after the bed frame stops moving and he's content on the bottom bunk.

"Because I'm a bad egg," I say, a hint of sarcasm in my voice. I here him snigger from beneath me.

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